Due to the abrupt change in the environment, regime and separation from mom, going to kindergarten at first can be a real challenge for the child. To facilitate its adaptation, you need to properly prepare the baby for a new period of life.

Step 1
Adaptation to kindergarten does not begin with enrolling a child in it, but much earlier. Parents can gradually transfer the baby to a new regimen in 2-3 months ahead of time. If this is not done, the stress from the new environment will add to the child's dissatisfaction with getting up early or a radical change in the daily menu. You can get up every morning and raise your son or daughter at a certain time, during the day, observe the approximate kindergarten regime.
Step 2
Give your kid more information about kindergarten. Tell him about how the institution is arranged, what and who will be waiting for him on the spot. Just do not embellish reality in the hope that in this way the child will more willingly go to the garden. On the contrary, if you say that the baby will have many new toys and funny friends, the baby's frustration in the first days can be very strong. After all, it is not a fact that he will immediately start good relations with other children, and not all kindergartens can boast of cool and varied games. Better tell the truth, for example, that there will be many children, with some of them he will be able to play.
Step 3
Draw as many parallels as possible between kindergarten and your home. Examples can be the most primitive: at home the baby sleeps during the day, and there is a quiet hour in the kindergarten; he walks with his mother until lunchtime, and in the kindergarten too; there are flower pots at home, and they also grow in the garden. Let the child understand that in a new place he will be surrounded by familiar objects and familiar orders.
Step 4
If you've never parted with your little one for the whole day before, it's time to leave him with one of the other adults. Let the first day in the garden not become a strong association with separation from mom. Warn me when you return, and feel free to leave on business. Your child needs to get used to letting go of you.
Step 5
When your child is already going to the garden, be more attentive to him. In the morning, be sure to say when you will come for him, for example, right after dinner or during an evening walk. Perhaps he wants more of your attention and care. You don't need to ask him about the garden all evening. Whatever he wants, the kid will tell himself. And if something extraordinary happened, you will learn about it from the teacher or from the emotional state of your son or daughter.
Step 6
Never discuss the behavior of the child with the teacher in his presence. If upon arrival you come across indignation and complaints from the staff, just say that you will discuss it over the phone. Your child should not hear how you complain about him, and even more so, you should not scold him in the presence of strangers for some kind of offense. Firstly, it humiliates the child, and secondly, the teacher, according to your reaction, can conclude that she can also scold your baby for similar behavior in the future. By the way, discussing the teacher in a negative way with your husband in the presence of the child is also not worth it. Your attitude will be passed on to the child and there can be no talk of any pleasure from communicating with this person. Rather, show your child that you have a good relationship with the kindergarten staff and that you trust them.
Step 7
If possible, it is better to take the child to the garden for dad or grandmother. So the separation will be less painful, because it is more difficult for the baby to let go of the mother than it is for someone else from the relatives. In addition, a mother herself may worry about her son or daughter, and the anxiety will certainly be passed on to the child.
Step 8
To make your child's garden more comfortable, dress him correctly. It can be quite hot in the group, besides, children play, run, move. Keep your baby's clothes lightweight. When you collect your child in the garden in the morning, find out what the weather will be at lunchtime and in the evening. Usually it is warmer by the middle of the day, but if you bring your baby, for example, in a warm jacket and hat, he will go for a walk before bedtime. Caregivers cannot decide for you what to wear your child, and make sure that he puts on all his belongings. Therefore, sometimes it makes sense to grab lighter outerwear in the morning and change it already in the garden.
Step 9
Talk to staff about your child's personality. If you are against food abuse, warn against forcing your son or daughter to eat. Let the child eat only that and as much as he wants, than he will eat everything from the plate with tears under the pressure of the nanny. If your baby does not eat any dishes at all, the educator also needs to know about this.