Sometimes there are situations when a mother cannot sit with a baby under three years old. Then the parents decide to send the child to a kindergarten-nursery. The period until the baby gets used to his new life is difficult. Children find it difficult to endure parting with their parents, they feel uncomfortable in a new place, which can affect their well-being.

Let's take a closer look at how to prepare a little man for a nursery. It is advisable for mom and dad to learn the daycare routine earlier and switch to it within a few months. If the regime is changed abruptly, then the child will experience stress. Frequent illnesses can be the result.
The constancy and predictability of the situation is necessary for the baby for good development. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare the child for the nursery in three to four months. Tell your child about what the children are doing together, show the children at play, go to the playgrounds or the kindergarten together.
Many parents find it easier to bottle feed their babies, making them unable to chew and swallow food. Therefore, it is important for parents to take care of teaching the baby independence: eat porridge and soups from a spoon, drink from a mug. It is also important to teach your baby not to run around the apartment while eating, but to sit at the table. It is necessary to let the child understand that food is not entertainment with songs and jokes. And it will be better to give up breastfeeding in advance, because the nursing baby is more attached to the mother. If your child eats from a bottle, limit bottle use within their home.
It is necessary to acquaint the child with the pot in advance, even if he walks at home in diapers. It will be ideal if the baby learns to use it by taking off and putting on his pants on his own.
Daytime sleep is undoubtedly good for the body. But there will be no mother in the nursery, so it is worth teaching the child to fall asleep without motion sickness, without a mother and without a nipple. Teach your toddler to communicate with peers. Go to the playgrounds, get to know the children, let the kid play with them. You can also take a walk to the kindergarten courtyard, watch the children play, and play together. You can get acquainted with the future educator. And then, having entered the group, your child will not be afraid to be left without a mother.
It will be good if your child knows how to communicate their needs. If not, teach him to show with gestures or explain in short phrases what he wants. Ask him to show what you want. The quick adaptation of children in the kindergarten also depends on the attitude of the parents towards the caregivers and the nursery in general. If people close to the baby have a positive attitude to such a decision, then this mood will be passed on to the child, and he will happily go to the garden.
Preparing for kindergarten will make it easier for your child to get used to new people, to a new place. This means that the baby will cry less and miss mom and dad less.