One of the most difficult periods in the life of every baby and his mother is the period of the child's getting used to kindergarten. The first team, the first teachers, the daily separation from the mother: the baby should be carefully prepared for all this. In order for the crumbs to get used to kindergarten less painfully, it is very important to start preparing him for a new event in his life 3-4 months before going to preschool.

Step 1
The most important thing is to tell the kid what a kindergarten is and why he will need to attend it. “A kindergarten is a beautiful home where all mothers and fathers bring their children. There are many interesting children in the kindergarten. They do everything together: play, eat, walk. There are many toys and various interesting entertainment. You will go to kindergarten, and I will go to work. In the evenings we will tell each other about different interesting cases that happened to us during the day."
Step 2
Each time passing by the kindergarten, the kid should be reminded of how lucky he is to come here in the fall. In the presence of the child, all acquaintances also need to be told about how great he is, that he ended up in this particular kindergarten.
Step 3
The child should also be told about the kindergarten regime. The more detailed and understandable the story is, the more the baby will feel calmer and more confident when he goes to kindergarten. Toddlers tend to be very scared of the unknown. And if the baby sees that all the events expected by him come true, there will be no trace of fear and uncertainty.
Step 4
On the street or on a visit, the child must be introduced to other children, teach him to call them by name, ask, and not take away toys, offer to play with his own.
Step 5
Going to the kindergarten, the child can take his favorite toy with him. With her, the baby will be much more fun and calmer.
Step 6
Together with the baby, parents can develop a special system of farewell signs and gestures. For example, mom, sending the little one to the kindergarten, kisses him on the cheek and waves her hand. Only after that, he calmly says goodbye to her until evening.
Step 7
The kid will get used to the kindergarten faster if he makes friends with other children and their parents in a short time. And mom and dad can help him with this. Every day, you should ask your child about his relationship in kindergarten. Other babies in the presence of your child should be called by name. It will not hurt to get to know the parents of new friends of your child.
Step 8
Parents in the presence of a child should avoid unflattering statements about the kindergarten and its staff. And even more so it is strictly forbidden to frighten the baby with a kindergarten.
Step 9
The baby's addiction to the kindergarten can happen quickly, or it can drag on for several months. Parents should be patient and try to adapt to the child's adaptation.