The birth of a son is a happy, important and responsible event in the family. In addition to all other concerns, the main question arises before young parents, causing a lot of controversy - what name to give the baby. You need to choose a name very carefully, it is better to decide on it even during pregnancy, when you have time to think and weigh the pros and cons.

Step 1
When choosing a name for your son, immediately consider what patronymic your grandchildren will get from it. It should be sonorous, beautiful. It will be difficult to find names for grandchildren with patronymics Karlsonovich, Proklovich or Dzhonovich. Another important point is that the boy's name should be combined with his father's name in sound and in meaning, because he will be called by name and patronymic in adulthood.
Step 2
In some families, there is a tradition to name the son after the father. In fact, this is not always good, since such a combination is sometimes difficult to pronounce: Svyatoslav Svyatoslavovich, Valery Valerievich. There are also opinions that it is wrong to name a child in honor of some deceased relatives, since the fate of the child may be similar to the fate of the one whose name he will bear.
Step 3
If you have a non-decisive surname, you should not call the boy a male-female name, as in adolescence this can give him a reason to worry about ridicule from classmates, since it will be impossible to determine his gender by name and surname. Also, do not give your son a name with which you can clearly rhyme various offensive names and nicknames. In adolescence, when all feelings and emotions are heightened, the boy may hate his name.
Step 4
Check out the etymology of the names you like. When naming a child, you must be clear about the roots and meaning of the name. The interpretation of a person's character by his name in many cases coincides with reality, since it carries the strongest energy for a person, therefore it affects his fate, character and inclinations in a certain way. Be sure to read the interpretation of the names you have chosen - the described character traits of the representatives of these names will be present in your son.
Step 5
The sound background of the name also leaves its mark on the character of its owner. With the help of a correctly chosen name, you can bring up in your son those character traits that you like most. Names in which the sound "r" is present endow their owner with such traits as willpower, courage, stubbornness. Names with the sound "l", "m," n "are a sign that their bearer has a gentle and kind character.