The first step in meeting an interesting young man is often not easy for girls, they are not confident in themselves, they are overly worried. And this is quite a fair excitement, because the first impression plays a huge role in the subsequent relationship.

Step 1
Before approaching a guy, make sure that your appearance is impeccable. Let your smile shine, your hair is neatly styled, and your clothes showcase your figure.
Step 2
Of course, the easiest way to meet a guy is through mutual friends. Then you don't need to come up on purpose, everything will work out by itself. If you have such an opportunity, take it.
Step 3
The best way to approach a guy is to find some kind of formal excuse. Anything can be a reason. For example, you can ask him for a small favor. For example, take a picture of you with your camera. At the same time, you must be sure that the young man is in no hurry at this moment. In this case, your request will not weigh him down, and you can even ask him to take pictures of you more than once. In addition, while he is taking pictures, he will inevitably appreciate your appearance. But, of course, you can find some other reason for dating.
Step 4
Be natural. Of course, you need to make a good impression, but this does not require showing any atypical character traits for yourself. You must like the way it is.
Step 5
If even this approach seems to be an insurmountable obstacle for you, then try to enlist the help of a friend who is more confident than you. But remember that this is not the most reliable method. Of course, this will make it easier for you to get to know the subject of your sympathy. But if you are in the shadow of a friend, then there is a very high probability that the young man will turn his main attention to her, and you will be left out of work. Therefore, try to overcome your shyness. Believe in yourself, and everything will work out.