Those born under the sign of Scorpio are considered mysterious and dangerous people. These are strong personalities who perfectly know their own worth and never lower the level of their claims. To find an approach and conquer a Scorpio woman, stock up on self-confidence and patience.

Scorpio sign feature
Scorpio belongs to one of three water signs. However, unlike Cancers and Pisces, the water of stinging creatures is stagnant, mysterious and alluring. Scorpios are full of dangers, obsessions and carefully select people who are literally allowed to be around.
Scorpio girls are distinguished by their bright appearance. At first, they may seem cute and quiet, but the interpretation of their inconspicuous behavior is completely different: Scorpios just look closely at a person, trying to figure out his weaknesses. To, if necessary, "sting" exactly there.
With all the cunning and cunning, Scorpios rarely go on the attack. It is easier for them to forget the offender, to ignore him, than to enter into an open conflict. However, Scorpios have a love of ridicule.
Emotions Scorpios prefer to hide from others. Only if you are trustworthy, the girl will be frank with you. It's always hot around the Scorpio beauties: their natural charm and charisma attract many men. But the girls of this sign prefer to restrain their sexual energy and do not waste their time on trifles.
Scorpio woman: how to win her favor?
To find an approach to a Scorpio woman, you first need to get her attention. You should be a fun, charming person, able to interest her with your conversations and actions. You must have a great sense of humor and be able to laugh at yourself.
Scorpios carefully "check" those whom they plan to admit to themselves. Be prepared to swoop in with constant mockery and caustic remarks. However, do not stoop to rudeness: in this case, you will not see the girl.
Remember: flattery does not attract a Scorpio woman. She is very sensitive and will instantly sense the lies in the words. Another thing is sincere compliments that have little to do with her appearance. Celebrate her achievements, professional successes, acquired skills.
Scorpio girls are partial to certain types of gifts. They consider standard flowers / teddy bears to be cute bad taste. But the attitude to high-quality handicrafts made of leather, wood, stones, etc. is quite different. Beauties also adore souvenirs with ethnic motives and interesting erotic gizmos.
Scorpio women are owners. This applies to both relationships and friendship. They will try in every possible way to "catch" you on treason, throwing compromising questions. The best tactic in this case is not to give the girl a reason not to trust you.
Scorpio girls are characterized by increased sexuality. Some jokingly say that all the available bed "perversions" were invented by this very sign. Do not put pressure on the chosen one if she is silent about the bed. But when she herself declares her desire - do not get lost and do not delay. You will experience amazingly high quality and effective sex.