The more children see pure juicy colors and shades, the more their artistic abilities develop. Rainbow colors are the main paints to be used when decorating walls in kindergarten groups.

Drawings and ornaments on the wall of the group in kindergarten
It is not necessary to arrange all walls in groups in the same color scheme. To a large extent, the choice of color scheme depends on the age of the kids. For the little ones, walls with images of various patterns and familiar animals (cat, dog, chicken, cow, fox, etc.) will be of interest. Older children will love the wall decoration with heroes of fairy tales and cartoons. If the walls of the group are made monochromatic, the room will not acquire its own face, it will not become special and hospitable for the kids.
Heroes of fairy tales and films need to be painted exactly the way children are used to seeing them. Paints, tones and shades for patterns and the background of the picture must be chosen independently, having read the conclusions of pediatricians about the effect of color on the physical and emotional state of the child. The color of the walls of the group, in which children spend a lot of time, affects the psycho-emotional state of the kids, therefore the behavior of children indirectly depends on it.
Rainbow colors on the walls of the group
Red color is able to awaken leadership qualities and self-confidence in a child, from the abundance of this shade there is a desire to show your mind and energy. On the other hand, red can make the atmosphere in a room more intense. Many children will try to become leaders in their group, which can lead to aggression and irritability, quarrels and even fights. It is undesirable to choose pure red as a background, but its slight inclusion in a drawing or ornament can be beneficial.
Perfect as the main background color sunny and citrus orange. This warm shade will make the room more cozy and homey, which will have a beneficial effect on the mood and energy of children. In addition, the orange color awakens the appetite, so this shade is also suitable for the dining room. Yellow tones have almost the same properties as orange, only in a slightly more enhanced form. The very same group room will seem brighter and sunnier.
Green will awaken balance, calmness and sanity in children, besides, this shade will refresh the room. On the other hand, this color can muffle imagination and intuition, so it is better to use it in combination with other shades that would balance its properties.
Blue and blue have the same properties as green, they make a room look fresher. These heavenly shades will relieve fatigue and stress, but at the same time soothe and relax, so shades of blue and light blue are perfect for bedrooms. In contrast to green, purple can help develop imagination and intuition in children, but too much of this color can lead to boredom and apathy.