Wall newspapers are made out not only at school, but also in kindergarten. They can be thematic, i.e. dedicated to some kind of holiday. Wall newspapers are also being prepared for graduation from a preschool institution. Their release can be timed to coincide with the birthday of children (one month). Wall newspaper materials should be of interest to both children and their parents.

Step 1
Think in advance what event the release of the wall newspaper will be devoted to. Provide space for illustrations, drawings, photographs, etc. Try to maximize the involvement of each child in the work. They can prepare drawings on a specific topic or application.
Step 2
In the center it is necessary to place some kind of basic composition. For example, draw a ship. It is assumed that a team is sent on it to the country of childhood - children from your group.
Step 3
Ask the children to cut out their image from the photographs. You can also draw yourself with it and cut it out too. Stick the image on the stern of the ship. In the center, of course, there should be a teacher in the captain's cap.
Step 4
Ask the children to write wishes for travelers under their photos.
Step 5
Traveling by ship, children will be able to visit different stations. Ask the children to come up with names for them. The informational component of the wall newspaper will be contained just at these stations.
Step 6
Print on the computer yourself or involve parents in this work of information material. It is best to do this on paper of different colors to draw attention to the text.
Step 7
They may contain, for example, information about the benefits of a healthy lifestyle or information about the rights and responsibilities of children. You can post educational tasks for children or useful information for parents.
Step 8
If you want to congratulate the birthday people, draw the houses of these guys at the stations, to whom you go to visit. Write congratulations for them.
Step 9
Try to keep the wall newspaper bright and aesthetically pleasing. Let the children draw flowers, various animals or fairy-tale characters. Cut them out and glue them to the wall newspaper. Tell the children that as they travel through the fabulous land of childhood, they will visit those they portray.
Step 10
Imagine and create with children. This will contribute to the development of their sense of beauty, faith in a fairy tale.