How To Make A Wall Newspaper About Your Child

How To Make A Wall Newspaper About Your Child
How To Make A Wall Newspaper About Your Child

Table of contents:


Sometimes there are situations that parents want to congratulate their child on some significant event (the end of kindergarten, a trip to first grade, a birthday, or even a prize in a reading competition) in something unusual: so that the child would be interested, and I myself remember this day. A wall newspaper about your child is a good solution to the issue.

How to make a wall newspaper about your child
How to make a wall newspaper about your child


  • - Whatman sheet,
  • - a simple graphite pencil,
  • - markers,
  • - paints (gouache),
  • - brushes for painting,
  • - a few photos of your child and you - parents.


Step 1

Decide on what event the release of the highest wall newspaper will be timed: the child's birthday, the achievement by him of a certain result that is meaningful for himself and for you (a reporting concert in a music school, a victory in a mathematical Olympiad) or some other event.

Step 2

Come up with a non-standard and fun title for your newspaper. If, for example, it is dedicated to the victory of a child in a math competition among schoolchildren, then a title like "Our Dimka - Pythagoras" will be quite appropriate and funny. Draw the title brightly and colorfully on a piece of Whatman paper. You can even glue the letters cut out of colored paper in the form of a large rainbow-arc, or collect them on a string and hang them around the corners of a Whatman paper like a swing.

Step 3

Decide how you want to place the basic information about your child on the sheet of the newspaper. It can be a large tree with spreading branches, each of which will contain information about a particular stage in your offspring's life. Or you can make a wall newspaper in the form of a huge step-by-step wall walker game with rearranging button chips and a large cube, while each significant life episode in the child's life will be indicated by corresponding pictures. You can also simply divide the newspaper into several parts and add from them, taking into account the chronology, all those events that I would like to talk about.

Step 4

Cut and paste photos of the baby in chronological order: birth (you can arrange it in the form of a chicken hatching from an egg with your baby's cheerful face, or carefully glue the baby photo into the image of a cabbage fork cut from a magazine), first steps (add huge red boots to the baby's photo and mustache - you will get a funny Puss in Boots), the first independent lunch (add a huge spoon and make a funny inscription), the first day in kindergarten, the first trip to school and, finally, a photo of your child in the setting that the newspaper was dedicated to (for example, a reporting concert at a music school).

Step 5

Provide each photo with a funny comment or caption. This will cheer up both the hero of the occasion and his friends and family.

Step 6

Do not despair if you do not have a large number of photos, because you can multiply the existing ones and (depending on the stage of the baby's life you are depicting) simply add or add the missing nuances of the image, because the same joyful image of your child's face in different cases depicted will be and look different.

Step 7

Show your imagination and a sense of humor, because mischievously and cheerfully decorated wall newspapers leave more joyful impressions than serious and dry ones, albeit carefully made.
