Girls and boys are always pleasing to the eye when they are well and stylishly dressed. But style does not always mean good for the body. This is especially true for shoes and the size of the heel. Therefore, it is worth figuring out what its size should be.

Heel heel strife
In fact, doctors recommend a small heel for children. Both girls and boys of preschool age should wear shoes with heels from 0.5 to 1 cm. Children from 8 to 10 years old can wear a heel no more than 2 cm. significant anatomical differences begin to appear. Therefore, girls from 13 to 17 years old are allowed to wear heels up to 4 cm without harm to their legs, and boys of the same age - no more than 3 cm.
A complete refusal to wear heels by a child is a serious mistake. The fact is that a small heel allows you to maintain the correct and natural shape of the foot. Flat shoes change the center of gravity as you walk. For this reason, the shape of the foot in both children and adults begins to change. An adult will quickly feel heaviness in the legs or dull pain in the fingers, and the child's bones have not yet formed, they are soft, so he will feel discomfort when he becomes an adult. And he will be consistent regardless of whether he is wearing the right shoes or not. Therefore, parents should pay special attention to the health of the baby's legs and musculoskeletal system.
If a child has defects in the development of the foot from an early age, then the parents have every chance to correct this until the child grows up and becomes an adult. This is done using special orthopedic shoes or inserts.
Dangers for girls
For all their desire to look stylish, fashionable and beautiful, parents should not succumb to their persuasion to buy high-heeled shoes. The child's musculoskeletal system is just being formed, and too high a heel leads to increased stress not only on the fingers and feet, but also on the spine. The bottom line is that this is a ticking time bomb, and the consequences of wearing an overly high heel will only manifest itself in a more mature age, when the bones begin to harden. It is extremely difficult to explain the harm of wearing such shoes to a girl, since any child is not able to fully assess the possible consequences of his actions.
Flat feet are a real disaster for the modern generation. This is due to the fact that not all modern footwear is good for foot health.
General requirements for children's shoes
While the heel is a cornerstone when choosing shoes for a child, it is not the only cause for excitement. Firstly, when choosing children's shoes, you should pay attention to their size. She should be free enough. It is easy to tell by whether the child is able to move the thumb. If the answer is yes, then you should pay attention to the sole. It should be soft and flexible so as not to hinder the baby's mobility. Otherwise, a slow process of foot deformation will be launched, which in the future will lead to flat feet or other deviations from the norm of leg development.