We all know that water is an essential element of the human body and every person should drink a sufficient amount of it daily. But is it necessary to give water to a newborn baby if he is breastfed? Let's try to figure it out.

Benefits of breastfeeding for the newborn
Mother's milk is the only unique food product for infants that ensures full development in the first six months of life. It contains not only all the essential nutrients in a perfectly balanced ratio, but also a complex of protective factors and biological substances.
Due to its exceptional composition, milk is able to protect the baby from various infectious diseases and contributes to the formation of his immunity.
Consequently, breast milk alone is the best way to feed a baby up to six months of age.
Do I need to give water to a newborn while breastfeeding?
Breast milk contains up to 90% water in the composition, which fully satisfies the fluid needs of the baby.
When a newborn is breastfed, its water balance is in a balanced position. And when supplementing, an excessive load is created on the excretory system of a child who is just beginning to develop. Drinking water can upset the balance in the body, conceived by nature, between obtaining fluid from breast milk and excretion from the body. Which can lead to stagnation of water in the body.
Many specialists and pediatricians in the first month of a child's life categorically prohibit giving water. The fact is that the kidneys of the newborn are not yet sufficiently formed and are not able to process additional amount of fluid. Also, the presence of excess fluid in the baby's stomach makes him feel full, and he begins to require less breast. Which, in some cases, leads to insufficient weight gain in infants and early completion of breastfeeding.
Many studies have shown there is no need to supplement children during heatwaves. Even on very hot days, babies who receive breastmilk on demand are protected from dehydration. Since mother's milk satisfies all fluid needs.
The water of mother's milk replenishes the lack of fluid in the body of the newborn much faster due to the fact that it is better absorbed. And other liquids will not be able to fully satisfy the physiological needs of the baby.

When to give water to babies
In some cases, it is possible to give water to a baby no earlier than four months, and at the same time, the daily volume of alcohol consumed should not exceed 50 ml.
On an ongoing basis, it is recommended to introduce water into the baby's diet from the moment of the first feeding. But preferably not earlier than six months.
From all of the above, it follows that a child up to six months should receive exclusively mother's milk. And there is no physiological need to introduce additional fluid into his diet until the baby begins to receive food other than milk.
See also the video on the topic: Do I need to add water to my baby?