Is It Possible To Eat Herring While Breastfeeding

Is It Possible To Eat Herring While Breastfeeding
Is It Possible To Eat Herring While Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding is a crucial time for a woman. Everything that the mother eats passes through the milk to the child. Some foods are prohibited, especially in the first months after childbirth. The question of whether it is possible to eat herring while breastfeeding is of interest to many women who care about the health of the baby.

Is it possible to eat herring while breastfeeding
Is it possible to eat herring while breastfeeding

The benefits and harms of herring

Herring contains large amounts of vitamin D, omega-3 fatty acids and many other vitamins and minerals. Due to its valuable composition, the fish has the following beneficial properties:

  • lowers cholesterol levels, reduces the risk of developing heart disease;
  • supports bone health, slows down aging;
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • is a means for the prevention of cancer;
  • cheers up.

Excessive consumption of salted and pickled herring can seriously harm people with kidney disease and hypertension. Spices and preservatives in store products can provoke allergies in mothers and babies.

Rules for the consumption of herring when breastfeeding

A nursing woman can sometimes pamper herself with a few pieces of herring, subject to a number of important recommendations:

  1. In the first three months after giving birth, you must refrain from using the product. Then try a small bite. At the same time, observe whether there have been any negative reactions in the child, for example, allergies or colic. If all is well, increase the consumption of the product to the norm.
  2. If a child has an allergy, it is necessary to give up herring for a couple of months.
  3. Lightly salted fish can be eaten 1-2 times a week in an amount of no more than 50 grams at a time.
  4. It is better not to use pickled herring at all, spices and vinegar do not have the best effect on the taste and smell of breast milk. The child can simply refuse it.
  5. The best option is to salt fresh fish at home. When buying in a store, it is better to give preference to the product in oil.
  6. If the herring is too salty, soak it in tea or milk. The result is a much healthier and more delicious product.

On the eve of the holidays, the question becomes especially relevant: is it possible for a nursing mother to eat herring under a fur coat? It is possible, but in small quantities. And it is better to replace store-bought mayonnaise with homemade sauce or sour cream when preparing salad. Also, a chicken egg as part of a dish can cause allergic rashes in babies.

How to choose a herring?

When buying already salted fish, first of all, you should pay attention to the expiration date. In an expired, spoiled product, bacteria actively multiply. Therefore, it is better to choose vacuum-packed herring. The fillet should be elastic, if the pulp is spreading, you can safely throw it away, you cannot eat such fish.

The store product contains preservatives and spices that a woman does not need with HS, so it is better to buy fish in its pure form and salt it at home. Fresh herring has the following characteristics:

  • shiny scales;
  • lack of a putrid odor;
  • gills should be hard, dark red, not falling apart;
  • a surface without plaque and damage;
  • transparent, red eyes.

A woman during lactation may well afford to feast on herring. However, it is important to know the measure and follow all the necessary recommendations for the selection and introduction of the product into the diet.
