Biological feelings are inherent in humans, and this also applies to sexual attraction to the opposite sex.

Asexual is considered to be a person who does not experience sexual attraction at all. Today it can be considered a disease or simply a philosophy of life. Many will not wash off even a day without intercourse, and for some, abandoning this attraction becomes commonplace.
Today it is quite difficult to imagine a person not experiencing sexual attraction. It used to be considered holy and respected (in the case of monks, sisters, etc.).
In 2001, David Jay created a community of asexuals in which this cult was promoted. Today this site is very popular, in demand and brings together many people. Some admit that they have feelings for other people, but they are purely spiritual.
Causes of occurrence
It is difficult to identify psychological origins. Most often it can be:
- example of parents, adults
- upbringing in a church family
- fashion
- impact of others
- psychological trauma
- deep depression
- decreased libido
There are also physical reasons. Scientists have proven that some animals do not feel attraction to the opposite sex at all (mice, bears, marine animals, etc.). This indicates that such deviations may even be congenital.
These include:
- rape
- genital trauma
- endocrine system diseases
- drug poisoning
- nervous system damage
Asexuals and childbirth
Asexuality has nothing to do with the desire to have children. Many people want and strive to create a family and have children and can go to sexual intercourse in the name of conceiving a child. Also an option is artificial insemination and adoption of a child. Asexuals do not deny procreation.
Interesting Facts
- In Brazil, asexual rights are protected
- Kurt Vonnegut, the protagonist of Small Don't Miss, was asexual due to his childhood trauma.
- Many asexuals argued that the rejection of hormonal surges and biological principles of living beings helps to feel a high spiritual closeness, unfamiliar to those who do not abstain from sex.
- With the refusal of sex during life, both women and men develop diseases of the reproductive system up to the development of tumors. In women, the menstrual cycle may be disturbed, accompanied by pain, and the duration of the cycle changes.
- Asexuality does not mean frigidity, and an asexual person can begin to experience pleasure from sex at any time in his life.