Physical Development Of The Child In The First Year Of Life

Physical Development Of The Child In The First Year Of Life
Physical Development Of The Child In The First Year Of Life

Children in the first year of life develop very intensively, so it is special for pediatrics. Parents should monitor their child's physical development every month.

Physical development of the child in the first year of life
Physical development of the child in the first year of life

In the first 12 months, the baby grows approximately from 50 to 70 cm. Typically, in children, the shoulder width is a quarter of the height.

The head circumference at birth should be 32-35 cm, and by the year its size is 46-47 cm. The chest circumference in the first days of life is 30-34 cm, by the year it is already 47-49 cm. An increase in head volume may indicate dropsy or rickets, and its lower values are about brain underdevelopment. As for the circumference of the chest, its insufficient size may be a sign of hypotrophy.

It is believed that four weeks after the birth of a baby, the body weight increases by 600 g, in the next 2 months - by 1600 g. In one year, the weight of a child should average 10-12 kg.

To monitor the development of the baby, parents should always pay attention to the shape of the arms, legs, head, skin condition, and also track the time of the appearance of teeth.
