What To Cook For A Child Of The First Year Of Life

What To Cook For A Child Of The First Year Of Life
What To Cook For A Child Of The First Year Of Life

Nutrition for babies under one year old requires careful attention - it is necessary to cook for such small children with special care. In addition, you will need to monitor how the child will react to each of the new dishes, so you should not experiment too much with complementary foods.

What to cook for a child of the first year of life
What to cook for a child of the first year of life

For children who are not even one year old, you can prepare many delicious and healthy dishes.

New food should be started with small amounts - about half a teaspoon. Every day, gradually increasing the amount of complementary foods, gradually bring the amount of food eaten to such that it can replace breastfeeding or taking a mixture.

Complementary vegetables

It is better to start changing the child's menu with mashed vegetables. First, this is the so-called monopure, that is, made from one vegetable, then a combined one, 2-3 types of vegetables are included there. Suitable for cooking are carrots, zucchini, cauliflower, pumpkin. Potatoes can only be used as the base of a dish, but green cucumbers and legumes should not be given to children under one year old.

To prepare mashed vegetables for a child, they are cut and boiled in salted water. Then the water must be drained, and the vegetables must be rubbed through a fine sieve. Combine the resulting mass with boiled milk or vegetable broth and a small amount of vegetable oil. If the child is already six months old, you can add a little boiled and ground meat to the puree.

Porridge for a baby can be cooked not in milk, but in a decoction of dried or fresh apples, broth from vegetables. This is especially useful if the child's closest relatives have had allergic diseases. Porridge should be slightly thicker than milk. You can add mashed fruits to cereals.

What to cook from meat

To cook meat puree for a child, meat should be taken good, without films, fat, by-products are not suitable for such small children. The meat is stewed in a saucepan under the lid until tender, then passed through a meat grinder twice. The rolled mass is mixed with a small amount of broth obtained during stewing, butter is added, brought to a boil and placed in the oven for 10 minutes. If, after the meat has passed through a meat grinder, add a little bread or crackers soaked in water to it, you can make steam cutlets or meatballs for the child from this mass.

Toddlers love soups, both simple and fancy. For example, soup with dumplings - they can be made from dough, cottage cheese, potatoes. Many mothers are eager to prepare such dishes for children - it is both convenient and useful, and it will not take much time. For example, for a mashed fish soup, you need a couple of fish fillet wedges, a small onion, a potato, and a carrot. Boil the broth from the fillet, strain, add finely chopped vegetables. After they are cooked, add the boiled fish. Grind everything in a blender.
