How To Live The First Year Of Family Life

How To Live The First Year Of Family Life
How To Live The First Year Of Family Life

How many obstacles are encountered on the path of family life. One of the most difficult stages of a family is the first year of married life. Unfortunately, not many couples reach their first - chintz anniversary.

How to live the first year of family life
How to live the first year of family life

Respect and listen to the opinion of your half, try to jointly make decisions that are meaningful to you.

For many young families, the first year of married life is very difficult. Most of them disintegrate without crossing the one-year threshold. There can be many reasons for the breakup of young families. Gradually, the gray everyday life, with a bunch of everyday problems, is gradually replacing romance in their family life. To my regret, I know many sad examples of the breakup of married couples at the very rise of their life together. These are examples from the life of my friends, classmates. In the first months of family life, there follows a time of discovery of new, and sometimes unexpected, character traits and qualities of a partner.

Very often, young people try to build their family according to the example and likeness of their parents, they adopt, so to speak, the parental “model” of the family. Often a young wife compares her husband to her father, and the husband compares his wife's behavior to his mother. I came across an example where spouses found out who is in charge of their family, while also using the family model of their parents. At the same time, for some one of the parents dominated more over the other. Children try to build their family following the example of their parents, relying on their experience and good memories, not paying any attention to the mistakes made by their parents. Also, one of the young spouses does not even think about whether this model of behavior will be acceptable for his half?

Plan your family budget.

Nowadays, there are not so many wealthy families as it might seem at first glance. After the wedding, the newlyweds easily part with large sums of money. Easily and without hesitation, they spend money on expensive, sometimes unnecessary things. The newlyweds continue to live by inertia, without planning their family budget, as a result of which financial difficulties arise, and the search for the culprit in the waste of savings begins.

Don't try to change each other.

Trying to change each other usually does not lead to anything good. After all, before you decided to live with a person permanently, did everything in him suit you? So why remodel your loved one after the wedding? First, a person cannot be changed. And secondly, it can negatively affect your marriage as a whole.

Dear newlyweds! Do not forget that the family is a certain obligation. Each family has its own secret of a long family life. A lasting and happy marriage is based on the day-to-day compromise between spouses. By compromising their own selves, partners adapt to each other throughout their married life.
