Tears, tantrums and stamping feet become your usual accompaniment in the morning? Indeed, when a child does not want to go to kindergarten, it can be difficult to persuade him, and the mood from the very morning is spoiled both by the baby and by the parents. Sometimes the mother is glad to leave the child at home, as he asks about it, but she simply does not have such an opportunity - there is no one to sit with him. This means that the situation needs to be addressed somehow.

Step 1
If the child has never gone to kindergarten before, and now he has his first day without a mother, then in this case you should start preparing him for this trip in advance. If you just confront your child with the fact that on Monday he will go to kindergarten, you can simply scare him: he is not used to being alone among strangers. Start telling him in advance how great it is in kindergarten. Tell us that there are many toys there, guys who will be friends with him, kind teachers who will play with them. Then you will awaken in the child an interest in this new place, and he himself will rather ask to go to kindergarten.
Step 2
If a child has been attending kindergarten for some time, but now suddenly starts to protest, then look for the reason for this behavior - it's just that the child's behavior never changes. Perhaps the baby has a conflict with the children in the kindergarten - maybe someone teases or offends him. And perhaps something is wrong with the teacher. For example, she is overly strict. Carefully ask your child if everything is fine in his kindergarten, ask him to tell you if something is wrong. Unlike schoolchildren, who often do not want their parents to intervene in solving their problems, babies expect protection and support from their mother. But they do not want to be branded as a sneak, so do not compromise your child. If you find out that the child is offended by the guys, do not rush to immediately call their parents. Talk to your child, explain to him how you can get out of this or that situation. Talk to the teacher: to see, suppress and resolve conflict situations between children is his direct responsibility.
Step 3
Perhaps the point is not at all in the kindergarten itself, but in the fact that your child does not get enough sleep and does not feel well. If the kid plays late and then gets up early, he goes to the kindergarten without mood and with tears. Make him go to bed an hour or two earlier. The child's nutrition is monitored in kindergarten, and you follow his recovery: ask the pediatrician for advice on a good vitamin complex, because the lack of vitamins also affects the mood and the desire to get up in the morning.