It often happens that a woman is already ready for the birth of her second child, but a man is not yet. He will come up with various reasons and excuses. To persuade a man to have a baby, you need to understand him and find the true reasons that guide him.

Step 1
First of all, you need to find out the prerequisites for "male fear". Of course, nothing will be solved, and in any case you need to try to bring your husband to a frank conversation. Maybe he is not ready mentally to become a dad again? Try to cook him, cheer him up, praise him as he deals with the first child. When in his head the conviction of himself as a dad is firmly settled, then he himself will offer you to have a second child. Do everything unobtrusively, otherwise you will not achieve anything.
Step 2
What if the spouse does not want to have a second child and talks about an abortion? The main thing is not to panic. A man will never understand what it means to feel a baby in himself and accepts an abortion as an ordinary trip to the doctor. Talk to him quietly and impressively about this, give significant reasons. Explain that abortion is a murder, and you do not want to do this with a baby from your beloved spouse, show the results of an ultrasound scan. In all colors, tell about the consequences of abortion. If your spouse really loves you, then he values your health and, having reasoned, will not let you sin.
Step 3
The spouse does not want a child due to material impermanence? Then sit down together and, writing down on a piece of paper, calculate all the expenses for the baby. Maybe you will be able to clarify that almost all things will "pass" from the first baby, which will significantly lower the planned costs.
Step 4
If your family life does not work out, the danger of divorce is imminent, and you think that the second child will be the "life buoy" of your "drowning" family, then this is absolutely not the case. An unwanted child will be a constant irritant, then why determine in advance the baby for such a life? After all, if a man decided to leave you, then at least give birth, at least do not give birth - this will not be an obstacle for him.
Step 5
Solve the issue of having a second child together and then you will be able to handle all the mountains!