When To Tell Your First Child About The Birth Of Your Second Child

When To Tell Your First Child About The Birth Of Your Second Child
When To Tell Your First Child About The Birth Of Your Second Child

The birth of a second child is a major event for the whole family, especially for the first child. Children, regardless of age, react to family changes, react to quarrels and worries.

The birth of the second child
The birth of the second child

It is very important to warn the first-born about future changes, to prepare for a new rhythm of life.

For children at an early age, stability and peace are important, which can be disrupted by waiting too long. Therefore, you should warn about the addition 2-3 months before childbirth. It is important to communicate the good news with words of love for the child and minimize worry and anxiety.

With preschool children, it is better to warn about changes 3-4 months in advance - at this age, kids do not like long waiting. It is required to show understanding, tact, it may take him more time to realize the changes. It is advisable to devote more time to the elder. During this period, remember and talk about how small he was, what he did, how he ate and slept. He can participate in the design of the corner in which the brother or sister will sleep.

In adolescence, it is no longer worth explaining what a baby is. You should immediately inform about the upcoming changes in the family - to achieve a trusting relationship. The appearance of a baby will entail questions about the parents' sexual life, it is important to calmly and tactfully explain the physiology.

At any age, questions are encouraged and must be answered honestly. The better prepared the firstborn is, the easier it will be for him to deal with the news.
