It often happens that after the birth of a sister or brother, the older child begins to behave far from the way before. He may demand a pacifier like a baby, refuse a pot, insist on diapers, ask for hands. Naturally, this behavior of the baby suggests that he is experiencing serious stress. After all, he, once the most beloved member of the family, now has to share the attention of his parents with a small squeaking lump. The first child should be prepared for the appearance of the second child in the family even before the birth of the baby.

Step 1
You should not postpone a conversation with an older child about the fact that he will soon have a brother or sister, until later. But it is not at all necessary, waving a positive pregnancy test, to run to the nursery and in a hurry to share the good news with the firstborn. The baby developing in the mother's tummy should not be associated with the mother's poor health in the older baby. Therefore, it is better to tell the child about the imminent appearance of a brother or sister after the first trimester of pregnancy.
Step 2
A mother who is pregnant with her second child should not forget about her maternal love for her first child. It is better for her to more often remind her elder about her love for him, about how much she needs him. You should also tell the first-born that mother's love is a magical thing. It cannot diminish with the appearance of another child. And the more children a mother has, the more love she has, which is enough for all the children and, of course, for dad.
Step 3
The older child needs to be told about all the benefits of having a younger one. First, mom will always be at home. Secondly, there will be no need to wait until late for her from work. You can always walk and play with your mom.
Step 4
The bed, stroller, clothes and all the necessary things for the unborn baby should be chosen together with the older child. His preferences should be trusted. Let him tell you what sliders, for example, the little one will really like. In the store, you can also choose a gift from a younger to an older child.
Step 5
A mother should set her first child up to the fact that she simply needs his help in caring for the baby. Tell him that without his support, she will not be able to swaddle, feed, or bathe the baby.
Step 6
Undoubtedly, the preparation of the first child for the appearance of the second child in the family is very important, but the behavior of the parents after the birth of the baby is even more important.