Weather Children: How To Prepare For The Birth Of A Second Child

Weather Children: How To Prepare For The Birth Of A Second Child
Weather Children: How To Prepare For The Birth Of A Second Child

More and more modern mothers decide to give birth to a second baby without leaving the parental leave. Someone succeeds in getting pregnant by accident, while someone purposefully wants children with a small age difference. Maternity capital also encourages many to take such a step. Although the young mother still does not have time to forget all the nuances associated with the appearance of a small person in the family, she needs to prepare and take into account some new points

Where does a newborn baby sleep?

This question comes up first. The sleeping place of the second child must be protected from the older one. After all, he can, through negligence or out of jealousy, offend the baby. The stability of the crib is an important characteristic in such a situation. If there are wheels in its design, then the function of their fixation is mandatory. Otherwise, the first child will simply roll the bed around the room.

It is better to put a crib or cradle in the room in advance so that the older child can play with it and get used to it. Then, with the birth of a brother or sister, it is less likely that his crib will arouse intense interest in the first child.

Where to leave a waking baby?

A mother of two small children constantly needs free hands. When the baby is alone, there is an opportunity to hold him in his arms for a long time. But with two children it is already difficult, attention is required for both. For example, the older one needs to be fed, but the younger one does not sleep and is capricious, so you need to take him with you to the kitchen.

Mom must provide places where she will leave the baby. It is convenient to use a chaise longue. In it, the baby is fastened, cannot fall out, and from his own movements he will rock himself. A car seat with a flat bottom is also suitable for such purposes.

In extreme cases, the first time you can use a carrier. But in it the baby turns freely and can drop it from the chair. So this is only a temporary measure.


Also not superfluous furniture in the nursery - a playpen. From the moment the baby begins to roll over and crawl in it, it is very convenient to leave him. The walls of the arena will not allow the baby to roll away to a dangerous place, and also protect it from an older child. After all, if the baby is simply put on the floor, his brother or sister can step on him.

Ergo backpack or sling

When mom is going to go somewhere with both of them, free hands are urgently needed for her. Sooner or later, you will have to go to the clinic or to the store with both children. In this case, it is worth getting a sling or an ergo backpack. So the mother will be able to calmly lead the elder by the hand or dress him when the younger will sleep peacefully or look around in a safe place - on her body.


As soon as a woman finds out about pregnancy with her second child, it is better for her to wean the first child from the stroller. The sooner he gets used to walking with his own feet, the better. If he will ride in a stroller until the very birth of his second baby, this will then become a big problem. Mom just won't be able to walk with both children.

These are the most important points that will have to be taken into account when a second child appears in a family with a slight difference from the first. Other problems can already be solved as both children grow up.
