By the age of six months, the baby's physical activity is increasing, which means that he can already choose which toys to play. If earlier the baby was content with what mom and dad would give him, now he is trying to reach or crawl to a bright ball or a multi-colored pyramid. In addition, for up to six months, the baby simply contemplated unfamiliar objects, and now they have turned into a source of manipulation.

Step 1
Parents during this period need to diversify activities and games with a baby, because right now the child actively learns the world around him, learns to control his body and nearby objects. A kid at this age does not need a lot of toys, usually things that are in every home and which give the child a lot of pleasure are used.
Step 2
The most attractive place for a baby in an apartment is, of course, the kitchen. Children really like all kinds of pots, lids, containers. So do not deny the child pleasure. It is good if you have dishes with Khokhloma painting. It is harmless, durable, does not break when dropped. Kids really like to knock on a plate with a spoon, as mom and dad do, send it to their mouths. To get acquainted with the colors and sizes, offer the crumbs several plastic bowls or containers. The baby will soon find that a small bowl fits easily into a large one. You can put peas or beans in a plastic bottle to make great maracas.
Step 3
Another place that children adore is the bathroom. There you can come up with a lot of exciting games for a six-month-old baby. You can take two cups and show the kid how the water pours from one to the other, or make holes with the cork from a plastic bottle - you get a watering can that is convenient for a kid's handle. You can of course purchase toys from the store. But children quickly lose interest in them, more children are attracted by things from the "world of adults." Of course, funny rubber animals or figurines that are glued to wet tiles will not be superfluous when bathing.
Step 4
A six-month-old baby can be offered to play with a tumbler doll. It will arouse great interest in the crumbs, because the tumbler rings funny and always takes its original position. Also, play with your child with a rag doll. You can make it yourself, or you can buy a ready-made one. It is good if it is made of fabric of various textures so that the tactful sensations of the crumbs develop.
Step 5
There is a great variety of games for a child of six months. The kid can jump on your lap to the beat of your favorite song or dance while in your arms. The main thing is the desire of parents to fill their crumbs every day with interesting events.