One month old baby is already ready for exciting games with mom and dad. He will be happy to observe the moving musical mobiles over the crib, examine the pictures on its sides and try to find the rattle by the sound.

It is necessary
Rattle, monochromatic toy, mobile for crib, CD with classical music
Step 1
A month old baby is no longer as small as it seems. At this age, he begins to perceive the gestures of others and react to them with peculiar sounds, grimaces, twitching of arms and legs. Observing a moving object can be an excellent activity during short periods of wakefulness. Take a bright solid color toy, place it in the child's field of vision and move it at a distance of 20-30 cm.
Step 2
To entertain a month old baby, invite him to find the source of the sound. We are talking about a tambourine, a bell, a rattle or a container with various contents - peas, cereals, etc. Place the toy at a distance of 30-50 cm from the child. It is important that she does not fall into his field of vision. Shake the object several times at intervals of 5-10 seconds. When, after several repetitions, the baby begins to turn his head and look for where the ringing is coming from, show him the toy.
Step 3
Place colorful pictures on the sides of the crib. An excellent option would be contrasting images: cartoon characters, "zebra" with stripes 5 cm wide, black circles with a diameter of 3 cm on a light background, a target, a chessboard, etc. Lying on its side, the child will enjoy looking at them. At this time, tell him about this or that image, despite the fact that he still cannot enter into dialogue.
Step 4
Place a newfangled carousel or homemade "mobiles" over the crib. These can be funny faces hanging from threads, black and white pyramids, paper cubes or cylinders. It is important that objects move from the vibrations of the air and amuse the baby. Remove the toy from time to time, otherwise it will become uninteresting to him.
Step 5
Work with your baby's motor skills. Gently grasp the leg with your middle and forefinger. Then, with your thumb, press the pad at the base of the fingers - the child will instantly bend them. To return the toes to their original position, stroke along the inner edge of the foot towards the heel. Repeat "massage" 2-4 times.
Step 6
Play your newborn music as often as possible. By his reaction, you will understand what he likes. A win-win would be the classics and, of course, mom's lullabies. Offer your baby what you like. Many kids love radio.