2 months after birth, the baby should already get used to the world around him. He is open to the perception of new knowledge and emotions, so every day something new appears in his behavior. It should be borne in mind that each child develops individually. For this age, there is still no specific set of skills by which it would be possible to determine whether a child is developing normally or his development is delayed.

Emotional development of a two month old baby
In the development of even a 2-month-old, still very young child, in comparison with a newborn, a huge difference is already obvious. First of all, his look changes, he becomes more focused, meaningful. The child's viewing angle and field of view expands, he is actively interested in what he sees, examines bright toys and people's faces. If you drive a toy in front of his eyes, the child concentrates his gaze on it and rather quickly turns his head to follow your movements. He can also react to sound, turning his head to the ringing of a rattle.
The kid already knows how to consciously smile and even laugh, reacting to the gentle voice of his mother and games with his parents. He recognizes loved ones by meeting them with a smile. At this age, the speech apparatus is already more developed, the child pronounces the sounds "a", "y", "o" and actively "hums" when adults talk to him.
The more you pay attention to the baby, play and talk with him, the faster he will acquire new skills and abilities.
Physical development of the child at 2 months
If the baby is developing properly, at 2 months he spends much more time awake. He does not fall asleep immediately after feeding, but can lie in the crib, watching his parents and moving his arms and legs. The child's movements become more coordinated, he ceases to throw up his hands chaotically, and begins to control them: he reaches for the toy he likes, tries to touch objects of interest to him, deliberately touches his face. If you give a baby a toy, he can hold it in his arms for a short time.
The child's reaction to a harsh sound, bright light, pain, hunger or other stimulus remains crying as before. But by this time, parents can already distinguish between its features, because the baby always cries in different ways.
At 2 months, babies are able to control the neck muscles and hold their head much better. Lying on his stomach, the child can raise his head and keep it in an upright position for a long time, observing the adults. Some babies at this age confidently lift their upper back, rest on the arms and look around.
With good physical development of the child, he can turn from back to side and change the position of the body on the surface, for example, turn around in a dream.
The sucking reflex is actively developed in a child at 2 months. Children usually deliberately suck on a fist or a few fingers to calm themselves. This skill helps babies to calm down and fall asleep.