What Games Can You Play With An 8 Month Old Baby

What Games Can You Play With An 8 Month Old Baby
What Games Can You Play With An 8 Month Old Baby

At the age of eight months, the baby can distinguish many of the objects around him. He knows how to play with different things, toys, evaluating them, comparing the quality. As you become familiar with the world around you, the mental abilities of the baby also develop.

What games can you play with an 8 month old baby
What games can you play with an 8 month old baby

Wherever an eight-month-old child finds himself, he tries to survey as wide an area as possible. With any subject, he is able to study for a long time, tries to explore it from various angles, wave it in the air, taste it. The task of an adult is to try to familiarize the child with the properties of objects in a playful way, teach him to concentrate, and perform small tasks.

What games can you offer an eight-month-old baby

“Ring the bell” - the child is given a bell and shown exactly how to ring it. Colorful ribbons can be tied to the bell tongue for easy pulling.

A tactile game - pieces of different fabric are placed in a small box, which will be interesting to touch. You can pick up pieces of hard matter, soft, silky, smooth, fur and so on. Include a piece of linoleum, thick paper, a large cork in the kit - taking out objects from the box, feeling them, the baby learns to distinguish them tactilely. While playing, talk to the baby, name objects so that the child can get acquainted with the concepts of "smooth", "rough", "soft" and others.

"Turn the toy over" - toys are laid out in front of the child in an unusual position, for example, a doll - face down. If the child himself does not try to fix the situation, he needs to be prompted.

You can glue a piece of adhesive tape to your baby's palm. Children with great interest tear it off and try to fit it back.

Games to improve coordination

The most famous of the toddler games is "okay". It can be diversified: by clapping your hands, the child's hands are covered with a blanket. Children watch with interest how the hands disappear and reappear.

Roll the ball - an adult pushes the ball towards the child, encourages the child to return it back in the same way.

Pyramid - if the child is shown once how to put rings on the rod, he will try to do it over and over again. The task can be complicated by swinging the rod from side to side - for this, a pyramid with a semicircular base is chosen.

In a playful way, the child can be explained the execution of many daily activities. For example, to teach a kid to use a cup, show how to drink a bear, doll, or dog from it. Toddlers, as a rule, try to imitate the actions of an adult. These games are a good stepping stone to the more elaborate imaginary action games that are common among older children.

Children of all ages are interested in the cooking process. Even a very young child can be involved in it. The tiny chef is handed a saucepan, spoon, bags and food jars. Copying mother's actions, he will "shake out" the rice from the bag into the pan, stir the "porridge" with a spoon.
