Newborns, especially those born prematurely, are susceptible to various viruses and bacteria. An infectious disease in children aged 3 months, alas, is not uncommon. As a rule, viral infections are accompanied by a high temperature, which must be brought down after a mark of 38, 0-38, 5 ° C.

When to bring down the temperature
When the temperature is up to 38.5 ° C, taking into account the normal state of the child, it is not recommended to bring down the temperature, since the baby's body must form its own "immune response" to an infectious disease. However, if the child is registered in neurology or the so-called "white" fever is observed, when at high temperatures the limbs remain cold and the skin becomes marbling, then it is necessary to bring down the temperature after reaching the 38, 0 ° C mark. This condition is dangerous by the development of seizures. Also, for symptoms of white fever, pediatricians recommend giving medications that relieve vasospasm.
Normally, children tolerate temperature well, while remaining mobile and active. Of course, a little lethargy and refusal to eat are perfectly acceptable. In some cases, with individual heat intolerance, if the child literally lies in a layer, refusing to eat and drink and experiencing various ailments in the form of headaches, nausea, etc., it is allowed to bring down the temperature, even if it has not yet risen to the appropriate level.
Antipyretics for a three month old baby
Antipyretic drugs for young children come in the form of suspensions, syrups, or rectal suppositories, since the infant is unable to swallow a pill or capsule. If a three-month-old child has a fever, first of all, undress the baby, because excessive wrapping only contributes to an increase in body temperature. Physiological cooling can be applied by applying a cool wet diaper to the large vessels.
As for drugs, only drugs based on paracetomol or ibuprofen are considered safe and effective for children of this age. WHO and the Pharmacological Committee of the Russian Federation do not recommend the use of analgin for children under 15 years of age. This drug is administered only as an injection as part of a lytic mixture and only if ibuprofen and paracetomol have not worked.
Antipyretic drugs, the active ingredient of which is paracetomol, include the following trademarks: "Paracetomol for children", "Panadol for children", "Tsefekon D", "Calpol", "Efferalgan". Children who have reached three months of age, "Paracetomol" is prescribed in the form of a suspension or syrup, 2.5 ml 3-4 times a day with an interval of 4-5 hours.
"Panadol for children" is prescribed only to full-term children at the rate of 15 mg / kg body weight 3-4 times a day. Suppositories are used 1 piece no more than 3 times a day. The drug "Tsefekon D" is one of the most popular antipyretic drugs. Children older than 3 months are allowed to use 1 suppository with a dose of 100 mg every 4-6 hours; the duration of treatment is 3 days. Suspension "Calpol" is used to reduce fever in children older than 3 months. It is taken at 2.5 ml with a large amount of liquid 1-2 hours after meals.
The drug "Efferalgan" is available in the form of syrup and rectal suppositories. The syrup is allowed for children over 1 month old. The drug is given both in pure form and diluted with water, milk or juice. The measuring spoon that comes with the medicine has marks indicating the weight of the child, by which the dose of the medicine is determined. In the form of suppositories, the drug is used in a dose equal to 1 suppository, 3-4 times a day. Suppositories provide a longer lasting antipyretic effect, and syrup provides a rapid temperature drop.
The ibuprofen-based antipyretic drugs recommended for children aged 3 months include Nurofen for children. Nurofen is available in the form of a suspension and suppositories. The suspension is taken in 2.5 ml 3 times a day at regular intervals for 3 days. If taking the suspension is impossible due to nausea or vomiting, then Nurofen can be used in the form of suppositories. 1 suppository is injected rectally every 6-8 hours.