Girls are amazing creatures, the logic of which is quite difficult to comprehend, and sometimes completely impossible. Today she is ready for everything for the sake of your relationship, and tomorrow she does not show any interest. And in such situations, I really want to figure out whether she really loves or plays with feelings.

Step 1
Tell her casually about another girl. She may not openly show that she is jealous of you, but if she has feelings for you, she will become unpleasant, and most likely her mood will deteriorate. Most likely, she will be offended by you, and you will have to ask her forgiveness for a long time, but you will be sure of her sincerity.
Step 2
Alternatively, ask your friend to flirt with her in no uncertain terms. A woman in love is not interested in other men. If she respects you and you are dear to her, she will not respond to his advances and, perhaps, even in the correct form, will cut off all communication with him.
Step 3
Ask her for help. It doesn't matter what kind of service it will be: rearranging furniture or renovating the apartment, buying new jeans or groceries - the main thing is that she will gladly agree to help. After all, you want to spend as much time as possible with your loved one.
Step 4
An important sign of falling in love is that in quarrels she tries to compromise, looks for ways to solve the problems that have arisen. If she is to blame for the discord, it is not shameful for her to be the first to ask you for forgiveness. The desire to quickly end the quarrels and find a compromise suggests that she certainly values you. A woman in love is ready to dissolve in a man - she cannot be angry and offended for a long time.
Step 5
Extreme way - disappear from her life for a while. If you mean a lot to her, she will be worried, try to contact you through friends, cut off your phone and send SMS. If you are just entertainment for her, then in response you will hear a ringing silence.
Step 6
You can come up with many different tricks, but it is best to calmly talk to the girl, try to dot the i's. What we see is not always real. Try to find out from her the motives of her behavior, listen to her point of view, and only then draw conclusions.