Vibes are mentioned in esoteric, monadic teachings. The interaction of the human secretion of sweat and biochemical substances is also considered in psychology, trying to explain the appearance of love and affection. For the first time, mentions of fluids are found in the studies of Friedrich Anton Mesmer.

Many have heard about the fluids of love, but the mechanism of their action, and what it is, very few people know. For the first time this term was introduced by the German physician, astrologer Friedrich Anton Mesmer. He studied the properties of magnets and their interaction with living things. In his works, he spoke about "animal magnetism". According to his theory, the human body is a huge magnet in which fluids circulate. When a disease appears in any organ, the movement of fluids is disrupted. At that time, the scientist's ideas were not recognized, after which he was forced to flee to France. But his teaching gave a powerful impetus to the emergence of hypnosis, magnetotherapy and some others. The theory is still considered unproven to this day, but it is very closely intertwined with the ancient Chinese teachings about the circulation of Qi energy in the human body.
The vibes of love in the understanding of modern man
It is believed that these are imperceptible "influences" emanating from the human biofield. When such waves intertwine in space, either rejection or sympathy arises. This bioenergetic effect produces an inexplicable effect on the people around. Today one can hear more and more often from the lips of scientists about "psychic currents". In information biophysics, they have a completely scientific explanation. Experts believe that mental activity is determined by a number of patterns of interaction between matter and energy.
Vibes as the basis of sexual attraction
Ethologists have proven that many animals use the secretions of the gonads for communication. They are also necessary to mark their own boundaries and attract a mating partner. According to this theory, each person has his own smell, which is formed by secretions, substances, components of sweat. This fragrance contains pheromones that are attractive to some people and unpleasant to others. It is under their influence that a feeling of love, sexual attraction appears. As the relationship with a person of the opposite sex develops, the fluids of love begin to increase in their number. That is why, during the period of falling in love, women begin to notice the increased attention of other men.
Note that fluid exchange is everywhere. This process in its speed is much faster than the emergence of a particular thought. The more a person is in love, the more powerful the release of the fluids of love, the more pheromones are produced.
Thus, signals of love have a material basis, which is due to biochemical processes.