How Men Actually Perceive Sex

How Men Actually Perceive Sex
How Men Actually Perceive Sex

Men perceive sex as an arena for expressing their feelings. Thanks to intimacy, they have an emotional, physical release. Very often, representatives of the stronger sex fall in love with a girl after sex.

How men actually perceive sex
How men actually perceive sex

There are a myriad of myths about how men perceive sex. Many scientists, practicing sexologists and psychotherapists are trying to understand this issue. In men, desire is always predominantly physical in nature. The reason for this lies in testosterone, which is responsible for sexual arousal.

If all reactions are reduced to a simple scheme, then when a certain amount of hormones are released into the brain, a "signal" is sent that certain steps must be taken to satisfy their needs. This applies not only to young boys, but also to men of all ages, who also instantly give out a reaction to the sight of a naked woman.


Practitioners' analysis

Lori Watson (sexologist and family therapist), thanks to her work with men, was able to get a complete picture of male perception of sex. In her opinion, the thirst for intimacy resembles a craving for sweets. Representatives perceive each “episode” as an opportunity for “unexpected gastronomic pleasure”. Thanks to this, there is always a feeling of pleasure from the thought of a new experiment. For a man, sex:

  • Energy. Thanks to this, there is a desire to move forward, to cope with daily routine duties, to achieve their goals.
  • Excitement. The opportunity to get pleasure. Because of this, any flirting leads to an increase in mood.
  • Love. The release of energy allows men to feel that they are finally at home. In this case, we are talking about the fact that sex is a kind of manifestation of love, support. It is also a way of securing attachments.

Male opinion

Numerous polls have shown that men do not want sex all the time, as girls often think about it. However, it turns out to be very difficult for them to abandon the connection with an accessible woman. Close relationships are also needed for those who have low self-esteem. Thanks to contacts, it becomes possible to discard the feeling of one's own inferiority.

Another point worth paying attention to is that the stronger sex likes it when a woman is the initiator. It is believed that there is nothing more seductive than a girl who dreams of making love. Therefore, you should not be afraid and show your enthusiasm spontaneously. In this case, it is important for the girl not to flirt with power, since too aggressive behavior in most cases does not cause positive emotions.

Most men want his woman to be easy-going, not shy about her erotic desires. There is nothing sexier than fulfilling your boyfriend's love fantasies. The girl can take the first step herself, talk about her feelings in order to fulfill her plans. Dialogue and, if necessary, will help to find a compromise so that both can enjoy the process.

There is a myth in society that men love only with their eyes. In fact, the sounds in bed are exciting to them. They think that the ideal lover should have a quiet manner of speaking and a soft, low timbre of voice.


Things to keep in mind

Many representatives of the stronger sex believe that women need intimacy less often. This is actually the case. Frequent ejaculation is essential for the testicles and prostate to function properly. The desire of women is determined to a lesser extent by anatomy, and more by the psyche. At the same time, the peak of sexual activity in men falls on 20-25 years, and then begins to slowly decline.

Representatives of the stronger sex believe that orgasm is an indicator of satisfaction. Therefore, they have the idea in their heads that the ability to reach the peak of pleasure with a partner is an indicator of male success. In this case, men do not need foreplay. Their hormone levels can rise anytime, anywhere. For women, for example, it is necessary to create certain psychological factors that can provide the desired mood.

In conclusion, we note that men often think of sex as a way to defuse tension. Numerous studies show that a man experiencing sexual desire has poor hearing and thinking. His perception of time is even distorted.
