Why Men Don't Want To Have Sex

Why Men Don't Want To Have Sex
Why Men Don't Want To Have Sex

Recently, a stereotype has developed that a man cannot live without sex. Often this expression can also refer to a woman, because after a bright and passionate relationship, before the creation of a family, there were no problems in this area. But with the onset of family life, the former closeness in a relationship may fade away.

Why men don't want to have sex
Why men don't want to have sex

There are many reasons for the lack of desire to have sex on the male side. For example, a difference in character or temperament. Each person is individual and you cannot argue against nature. There are men who constantly want to have sex, but the possibility of such a desire for a woman is also present. In the practice of sexologists, there are cases when a guy or a girl requires a partner to make love much less often than in the previous example. A special factor in the sexual life of two is the lack of knowledge of each other's bodies. As long as the person close to you is interesting in terms of the "riddle", he will look for its solution and ways not to get lost in a dead end. As soon as the right path is found, the partner begins to "pall" a little. If you understand this moment in time and introduce variety, there is a chance to keep it. Often the main reason is not the most comfortable relationships in the family. It is clear to anyone that after daily quarrels and scandals, the desire to make love may not appear at all. Experts say that a bed can bring a couple closer even during a scandal, but this is most likely one of the existing rules. Another rule is that during times of emotional anxiety, it is difficult to switch your mind to something other than hate. Sometimes a couple may clash in interests in terms of the postures used. There are cases when a man offered to accept a woman's knee-elbow position, and in response received only reproaches "After all, I'm not a girl of easy virtue." To some, this case will seem nonsense, but nevertheless, such a story has a right to exist. In turn, resentment can be mutual - both on the part of a man and a woman. In other words, a couple who have different habits and attitudes towards sex will not last long together, because a love relationship is a joint interest of both. For comparison, we can give an example of two close people speaking different languages. Something similar happens in this case.
