Men often hear the phrase “I don’t want to marry” than women. When asked "Why", almost everyone either laughs it off, or gives out knowingly a false memorized phrase. In fact, the reasons are pretty simple.

Don't want to become monogamous
Someone really does not want to limit himself to one sexual partner for the rest of his life, while adhering to the point of view that a man is by nature polygamous. In fact, he either did not fall in love at all, or, on the contrary, is not in the measure of love.
Desire to be free
Whatever you say, but family life in some places limits a person's freedom. “I” becomes “we” and one more “I” has to be reckoned with. Someone constantly wants something from you, puts forward their conditions. And that unbearable word is compromise. Much easier to fly like a bird in the wild.
Fear of responsibility
By getting married, a man has many responsibilities. Having chosen a wife for himself, he is obliged to take care of her, build relationships, learn to live together. And there more children will loom on the horizon.
Too young
Many believe that it is too early for them to get married, they want to take a walk more, to get mad. Often these become inveterate bachelors and their "early" turns into "late".
Friends are still single
This happens to men with a weak character. He depends on his environment. As soon as his buddies decide it is "time", he will follow them.
The financial issue is not in the first place in the family, but also not in the last. To build a new social unit, you first need to stand firmly on your own feet, acquire an apartment, a car, and a stable job.
It didn't work the first time
If a man was already married, and everything did not end very well, then he may be afraid of a new serious relationship. It's not easy to start over.
Uncertainty in a partner
He thinks that she cannot be a good wife and mother. That is, in principle, he is not against marriage, but he does not want to marry this woman.
What if he can't provide for his family? Or will he be a bad husband? Or a bad father? Or a lot more "or". This just needs to be pushed to the right decision.
He is not sure about his feelings.
Doesn't think that love will last a lifetime or is simply not strongly attached to a partner.