Why Girls Don't Want To Get Married

Why Girls Don't Want To Get Married
Why Girls Don't Want To Get Married

For some girls, it is important to arrange a personal life. They want to meet the right man, maybe they don't mind having children. But at the same time, they are in no hurry to get married. There may be several reasons for this.

Not all girls want to get married
Not all girls want to get married

High requirements

A very young girl is easier to charm than a grown woman. In early youth, the list of requirements for a life partner can be negligible. The same representative of the fair sex, with age, compiles a long list with the qualities that the same man should have.

Therefore, girls who have already celebrated their twenty-fifth birthday are difficult to please. They have life experience, female wisdom, self-sufficiency. They do not want to connect their fate with that guy who looks at life from a completely different angle, does not strive for the same values as they themselves.

For women, the social status of the future groom, and his education, level of intelligence, state of health, and distinctive character traits are also important. It is not easy to charm them with only beautiful courtship, compliments and promises, as in their youth.

Girls look closely at young people and try to determine how adapted they are for family life, whether they can provide for a family, whether they are worthy of having children from them.

The older the bride-to-be becomes, the more serious questions she asks about her potential life partner.

Independent women

There is a category of women who, in principle, do not want to get married. They have achieved a lot in their careers, earn enough money, have fun and travel. Such representatives of the fair sex are in no hurry to change their status and lifestyle.

It happens that the maternal instinct has not yet woken up in the girl. And coupled with self-sufficiency, this gives rise to a conscious unwillingness to become a wife, not a friend.

Some ladies are simply frightened by the upcoming household duties. They associate marriage with hours of cooking breakfasts, lunches and dinners, regular cleaning in the apartment, washing clothes and ironing clothes.

Such women do not want to exchange their freedom for family life.

Bad example

Sometimes girls don't want to get married because they don't believe in a happy marriage. It happens that at the word "marriage" the pictures of the family life of her parents come to life before a woman's eyes. She remembers how much negativity was in them. Perhaps she grew up in an incomplete family and faced the betrayal of her father or mother.

Of course, you should not rely on someone else's experience when making vital decisions. However, such situations occur quite often: girls do not want to repeat the fate of their parents and decide not to get married at all.
