6 Reasons Why Women Don't Want To Ask Men For Help

6 Reasons Why Women Don't Want To Ask Men For Help
6 Reasons Why Women Don't Want To Ask Men For Help

In the modern world, most women are in no hurry to turn to men for help. The fair sex is afraid to seem weak in the eyes of men, unable to resolve the situation on their own or to face misunderstanding. All these fears make women solve the problems that have piled up on their own, relying only on their own strengths. Unfortunately, this kind of relationship between the sexes is quite common.

6 reasons why women don't want to ask men for help
6 reasons why women don't want to ask men for help

Woman's inability to accept male help

Many women are simply unable to accept help from a man, do not believe or do not want to believe in the powers of the opposite sex. This position was laid down from early childhood. Such women grew up in a family where the mother did all the work. The father did not take an active part in the upbringing or was absent in their life. They take an example from their mother, do not believe that the existence of other men, different from their fathers, is possible.


If such ladies meet a worthy person, they will not ask him for help, because they are convinced that they themselves will solve the problem much better. In their opinion, men are simply incapable of doing business efficiently and without laziness. The habit of pulling everything on oneself, realizing what was conceived on their own to perfection is one of the main factors of women's reluctance to ask for help.

The second major reason is pride. It destroys well-being in the family, undermines relationships. It is necessary to learn to step over her and take steps towards the man. A woman needs the help of a defender, but does not dare to turn to him because of her own irrepressible pride. The fear of appearing stupid, weak or pathetic, of losing the well-deserved authority prevails over the minds of proud ladies. It is difficult for such women to admit that in some situations a man can solve the problem better and faster.

The third reason is the problem of not understanding male behavior. The woman asked, the man did not hear or misunderstood. As a result, it seems to her that he ignores the request, does not want to help. In most cases, this problem is fictitious, the result of a misunderstanding on both sides. Having faced similar situations several times, a woman comes to the conclusion that everything needs to be done by herself. She no longer even tries to ask for help or explain the problem again.

It must be remembered that men and women think differently. I immediately recall the book "Men from Mars, Women from Venus" by a talented expert and psychologist in the field of human and family relations, John Gray. We need to learn to understand each other, not to make hasty conclusions, not to make mistakes that can lead to being lonely. Before getting offended, you should make sure once again that the man is not busy with any of his thoughts and has definitely heard you.

Lack of telepathic abilities in men

A not uncommon reason for the reluctance of women to ask for male help is their belief that gentlemen should have telepathic abilities. Ladies do not ask for help, because a man must guess himself what needs to be done. This wrong attitude of women leads to frequent resentment and disagreement in relationships. There are few men who are able to guess; it is necessary to voice their requests.

A man's unwillingness to become a reliable protector and support

Many women face the unwillingness and inability of men to help solve the problems that have piled up. They do not ask for help from such individuals, because they know in advance that a refusal or false assurances will follow. Empty promises of men and a complete lack of desire to help is the fifth reason why women do not want to ask for male help.


It can be difficult for a woman to immediately guess what kind of person is in front of her, but if a man has not kept his promised word several times, most likely he will never keep it. You shouldn't pin your hopes on such people.

The sixth reason is selfish help. Women may not ask the opposite sex for fear that the man will ask for something in return. You should not deal with such individuals who are not able to provide help unselfishly. In this case, it is certainly better to solve the problems yourself.

Whatever the reason for a lady's mistrust of a man, first of all, it is necessary to assess the situation sensibly, to understand what is the source of unwillingness to ask for help. Each case is different. Perhaps it’s not a man’s problem, but the woman herself, her character, or her inability to accept the help of another person. If the culprit of the disagreement is the partner, his inability to be the lady's support, it is worth considering whether such a person is needed in future family life.
