The main role of a woman in the family and society is to become a mother. However, in modern conditions, not all women strive to give birth to children. There can be both natural reasons for this, and a simple unwillingness to have a child.

Step 1
The most compelling reason not to have a child is simply not to love children and to value your own freedom and independence. Such women can strive to achieve success in business, make a career, develop in a variety of areas. Sometimes they replace the appearance of a child in a family with other achievements in the service, in business, sports, and art. It may seem surprising, but women in the childfree camp are not so few - about 7%. It is not worth criticizing childless women, in the end, in life everyone has the right to make their own choice.
Step 2
The second category of childless women are those who constantly postpone the birth of a child. First, the girl studies, then gets the first experience at work, makes a career, learns to provide for herself and her family. It is clear that it is much more difficult to make a career with a small child, because few employers are happy with the constant sick leave of a young mother and the inability to devote themselves to work completely. So it turns out that modern women often decide to acquire offspring only after 30 years. However, even with a child, significant success can be achieved in the service - mothers become more motivated and able to cope with many tasks simultaneously and in a shorter time.
Step 3
The next serious reason is the lack of their own apartment, stable job and salary. It is much more difficult to raise a child when there is a constant fear of being threatened with eviction from rented housing next month, when you will have to look not only for a new apartment, but also a kindergarten or school for the child. Therefore, at first, parents are in a hurry to arrange their life and life, and only then have children. In general, this is a very correct decision, just do not delay the arrangement for too long, because you can find a way out of any situation if you really want to.
Step 4
Many mothers have a fear that a child may be born with serious illnesses or pathologies. Indeed, the risk of having such a baby is very high due to the unfavorable environmental situation, the harmful effects of alcohol, tobacco, carcinogens. Before deciding to have a baby, both parents should undergo examination and treatment, give up bad habits, start eating right and playing sports. Then the risk of having a child with pathologies will significantly decrease.
Step 5
A woman is very often scared to give birth: it is pain, complications, it is not clear what will happen during childbirth and whether her body will endure it. Of course, such fears are very reasonable, because many people cannot stand even the slightest pain. But it is important to remember that childbirth is a natural process of a woman's body. He prepares for it since the birth of a girl. Therefore, you should trust your body and doctors more, not letting fears overcome the desire to have a baby. Ultimately, labor and pain only last a few hours, and the happiness of having a baby will be with you for the rest of your life.
Step 6
There is no husband or loved one with whom to raise a child. This is a serious obstacle for a woman: hardly anyone wants to raise a child alone, and they want to get pregnant from a loved one with whom you can go through any tests and on whom you can rely. But often you just have to wait a little and not dwell on your failures, as the young man and the future father of the child will immediately be found. The main thing is not to despair to find it.