Why Don't Women Want To Give Birth?

Why Don't Women Want To Give Birth?
Why Don't Women Want To Give Birth?

All women, regardless of age and social status, know that children are a joy, but not everyone strives to learn this feeling. It would seem, what could be better than raising an extension of yourself and your beloved, watching how the child develops over the years, protecting the baby from the troubles of life?

Why don't women want to give birth?
Why don't women want to give birth?

Psychologists explain this behavior for several reasons. The most common is the lack of maternal instinct. Due to the moral unwillingness to devote all her time to raising a child, a woman does not see the point in giving birth to him. Often, this attitude towards motherhood is directly related to young age. Views tend to change as they get older.

Do not underestimate the importance of the psychological characteristics of a woman, among which selfishness may prevail. It is a selfish attitude that can cause unwillingness to have children. Many women simply do not want to accept the fact that almost every free minute they have to devote to caring for and raising a baby. And some girls do not want to become a mother, because they are very afraid of physical pain, without which not a single childbirth process can do.

A common reason for refusing to become a mother is careerism. The desire to build a career at the expense of the natural female destiny is one of the first reasons why women are in no hurry to have children. However, the fact that this is not correct is not always recognized by them in a timely manner. Only having achieved success in the professional field, a woman understands that no career achievements can be compared with the birth of a child. Of course, a woman's self-realization is an important factor. But do not forget that not a single dizzying career growth can replace the feeling that can be experienced by first picking up your newly born child.

Impressed by the information that regularly comes from the media, many women are afraid of the physical inferiority of their unborn baby. But we should not forget that the risk of having an unhealthy baby occurs most often when future parents (especially a mother) do not monitor their health and do not pay due attention to this aspect.

Self-doubt is also reflected in a woman's decision to postpone motherhood. An unreliable source of income, fluctuations in financial security, social insecurity - all this is an obstacle to the birth of a baby. Often a woman is simply afraid that she will not be able to provide the child with everything necessary.

Of course, you can look at this position of women in different ways - not to give birth, but men who do not share this decision call all the arguments and reasons - excuses. After all, a woman who sees her main meaning in having a child will definitely find ways to provide him with all the best.
