9 Reasons Why Women Don't Know How To Have Sex

9 Reasons Why Women Don't Know How To Have Sex
9 Reasons Why Women Don't Know How To Have Sex

According to statistics, in bed, most women behave notoriously and ineptly. Even if a lady outwardly looks like a "conqueror of men's hearts", in reality, intimacy with her can be rather boring. The inability of women to behave in bed can be due to various reasons.

9 reasons why women don't know how to have sex
9 reasons why women don't know how to have sex

The role of women in sex

If we consider the Western European tradition, then for a rather long period very puritanical views were prevalent there. The role of a woman was practically leveled out and was reduced to a simple object used by a man. Strictly speaking, the led role of a woman only relatively recently began to be minimized and women began to receive equal rights not only in society, but also in bed.

This state of affairs has also determined new requirements for women. Now the fair sex also needs to master the art of pleasure. Women are expected to be resourceful and even proactive. But there are reasons that sometimes do not allow a woman to open up during sex.

What prevents you from living a full sex life

Undoubtedly, the relationship of each couple is unique. Nevertheless, one can single out the main reasons that are a "stumbling block" during intimacy with a man:

  1. Shyness. Sometimes women simply feel uncomfortable naked, even alone with themselves. To feel comfortable even without clothes, ladies must first accept their image as it is. Since we usually only strip completely during sex, the concern about nudity is understandable. If you want to improve your appearance, you can start going to the gym, it is useful to run a couple of times a week in the park. It is also important to build self-esteem so that you can avoid stiffness and feel comfortable without underwear.

  2. Lack of experience. Quite a common factor, which implies not only sex with men, but also the independent study of one's own sexuality. Some women simply don't know what exactly can please them, so they get lost and don't know how to behave. In addition, the lack of sexual experience makes it difficult to understand how to please a man.
  3. Using sex as manipulation. Many people use sex in order to attract a man and get some preferences. As a rule, such women do not particularly care about the quality of sex, simply allowing the man to have fun. They provide their body, but there is no talk of the art of intimacy here. True pleasure from sex can be obtained only with a sensitive attitude to this process.
  4. Lack of love. No matter how trite it may sound, but the presence of sincere feelings really affects the quality of sex. Many women are good at pretending, but this does not add to their virtuosity in bed. Only the presence of feelings for your partner allows you, on a subconscious level, to understand how you can give him pleasure.

  5. Lack of the right man. Sex is an intimate relationship between two people. Here you can draw an analogy with dialogue and monologue. A monologue can be pronounced successfully on your own, but at the same time, the partner's return is always required for the dialogue. Sex also requires a partner who allows the woman to open up.
  6. The consequences of education. It is not only about the specific norms that are transmitted in the family, but also about the culture and circumstances in which a woman is brought up. Even now, in many communities there is a purely consumer interest in women when they are placed in a subordinate position. Revealing your own sexuality in such conditions can be quite difficult. Previous experience with undemanding partners should also be noted. Sometimes women only have sex with very primitive men. Therefore, they learn the most banal attitude to intimacy, not treating it as a sublime intimacy between people.
  7. Lack of understanding of their own needs. If a woman does not know her own body and the limits of pleasure, then she often does not understand at all what she wants. This kind of confusion prevents the ability to communicate with a partner.
  8. Total fatigue and routine. Sometimes the problem is not even lack of skill, but lack of enthusiasm. If a woman is tortured by various everyday activities, then she is unlikely to be able to take the initiative in sex and reflect on mutual pleasure with a partner.

  9. Disappointment. Sometimes, previous experience is negative. Because of him, any desire to try to build new relationships disappears, all the more to try somehow in sex. These problems can be solved with an empathetic and sincere partner.

Sexual dysfunction problem

According to statistics, about 40% of women experience a decrease / lack of desire to live sex life. However, only 10% of them see this as a problem, which in this case becomes medical. Ladies who decide to see a specialist hope for a miracle cure, which in fact does not exist.

The female body is more complex than the male, so the problem of sexual dysfunction is complex. Experts recommend, first of all, to identify the basis of the problem, to try to solve it. Sex drive can be influenced not only by diseases (anemia, hormonal disruptions, lack of vitamin D), but also by interpersonal relationships in a couple. Only after understanding the true reasons for unwillingness to have sex, you can fix something, start living a full life with your chosen one.
