Sometimes parents are very worried about the weight gain of their baby. By the age of one year of life, the weight of the child can increase threefold, and by the age of two, the child gains only a quarter of his weight. If children become selective for food, then they may experience a deficiency of energy, vitamins, calcium, protein.

Children who consume less than 60% of the recommended amount of food for the whole day are called "little ones". As they grow older, they become picky about the choice of food. If the child refuses any products, in no case should you try to feed the baby by force. This can lead to conflicts.
Your baby's physical and emotional well-being can affect appetite. If, nevertheless, the child eats very little food, his diet should be revised, i.e. replace some products with others.
Also, the daily regimen must be strictly observed. There should be as few snacks as possible. It is recommended to walk more in the fresh air. You should not give only the food that the child wants (chocolate, buns, sweets), because of this, the body will not be able to receive the necessary nutrients for development and growth.
If the baby refuses a certain food, it should be allowed to try it several times. In order for the child to feel comfortable at the table, you need to sit down to eat with the whole family. This will help the child to change their attitude towards food.