Why Does A Little Child's Teeth Deteriorate?

Why Does A Little Child's Teeth Deteriorate?
Why Does A Little Child's Teeth Deteriorate?

Statistics say that 90% of babies have decay in milk teeth. The first teeth that have not yet formed quickly deteriorate and sometimes bring a lot of unpleasant sensations to the baby. Poor nutrition, irregular oral hygiene, and chronic illnesses worsen a child's dental health.

Why does a little child's teeth deteriorate?
Why does a little child's teeth deteriorate?

What foods quickly spoil a child's teeth

The poor quality of tap water, depleted in calcium, has a detrimental effect on the entire child's body in general, and on the condition of the teeth, in particular.

Dairy products, fish, liver, chicken eggs, raw vegetables fortified with calcium and fluoride, as well as vitamin D drops will improve the condition of your baby's teeth.

Soft food, which practically does not need to be chewed, heat treatment of food reduces its hardness, and therefore the strength of chewing. If after a meal you give the crumbs hard raw vegetables, such as cabbage or carrots, this will help to naturally clean your teeth and form a chewing load. Soda, lollipops, gum, and chocolate can damage your baby's teeth, causing them to blacken and chunk. Popcorn is dangerous because of the husk of corn, which gets stuck in the teeth and gums of a little man, causing damage to the soft tissues of the oral cavity and provoking inflammation.

Difficulties in caring for children's teeth

Starting from the second year of life, after each meal, you need to rinse your baby's mouth. But more often parents forget about it. And plaque remains on children's teeth. In addition, irregular brushing of teeth provokes the accumulation of bacteria, destroying milk teeth. Without accustoming the baby to brushing his teeth with a brush twice a day, it will become noticeable how the condition of the gums and teeth will worsen over time. The permanent toothbrush is also a destroyer of children's teeth, while it should be changed every 3-4 months.

For hygiene of children's teeth, dentists advise using tooth powder instead of toothpaste.

If the baby has severe caries or an inflammatory process in the gums, you should immediately contact the dentist, refusal to visit him provokes complications of the disease. Pediatric dentist procedures are always stressful for children. In anticipation of pain, the baby cries and asks not to take him to the doctor, but tooth decay will spread from sick teeth to healthy ones.

Chronic diseases and genetic predisposition

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, in particular the high acidity of the stomach, often lead to the destruction of the baby's first teeth. Any chronic disease inhibits the correct formation of teeth and their ability to chew. Another reason for the rapid decay of teeth is a genetic predisposition to diseases of the oral cavity. It is usually reflected from early childhood.

The key to the health of children's teeth lies in prevention and timely treatment.
