The relationship between a man and a woman is constantly changing over time. Sometimes they move to a qualitatively new level, becoming stronger and more tender. But often living together leads a couple into a dead end of meaningless quarrels, reproaches, omissions and resentments. Why can family relationships deteriorate?

Love is a fragile flower that both spouses must take care of, otherwise it will wither. And in all cases, manifestations of concern for the joint future on the part of only one half are clearly not enough. It is a common responsibility of partners to protect their feelings and each other. Usually, all couples' alliances develop in a similar scenario. At first it is a happy meeting, gradual recognition of each other. Then - the real pleasure of starting a serious relationship. At this stage, a man and a woman strive to appear better than they really are, showing only positive character traits and masking their flaws. They are inspired by the feeling of love, passion. The candy-bouquet period gives both of them a real euphoria. It is a pity that it does not last long. As a rule, relationships begin to deteriorate after the lovers began to live together or get to know each other better. The collision of two personalities, opposites, invariably gives rise to conflicts of an everyday nature. In addition, the difference in worldviews, upbringing, plans for life, basic life principles provokes quarrels. Only mutual love, patience and the ability to find compromises will help two loving hearts overcome an important stage of grinding in. They destroy relationships and other unpleasant things. First of all, jealousy and lies. Unreasonable jealousy, suspicion, invasions of personal space can ruin even a fairly harmonious union. A strong relationship must be based on trust. Lying destroys trust and all bright feelings for a person. People often deceive their soul mate, forgetting that everything hidden sooner or later will surface. Often the collapse of a relationship is facilitated by the cooling of feelings when one or both spouses realized that they made a mistake in their choice. It is possible that this was preceded by the fact of finding a new love. Can lead to scandals and sexual problems. Often couples quarrel during a woman's pregnancy and after the birth of a child. In many cases, with the help of doctors, family psychologists or joint efforts, family relationships can be restored. But if it’s unbearable to live together, then it’s better not to torture yourself and your partner and leave.