Treatment Of Thrush In Newborns

Treatment Of Thrush In Newborns
Treatment Of Thrush In Newborns

In newborns, the disease with thrush is called candidal stomatitis by experts. This name is due to the fact that candida fungus affects the mucous membrane of the oral cavity.

Treatment of thrush in newborns
Treatment of thrush in newborns

This disease can appear as a result of non-observance of the rules of hygienic care of the baby, insufficient level of personal hygiene of the mother, as well as as a result of taking various antibacterial drugs (by mother or child) and disruption of the gastrointestinal tract). Also, weakening of the child's immunity or infection of the mother with vaginal candidiasis (infection in this case occurs during the passage of the child through the birth canal) are the direct causes of the appearance of thrush.

At the moment when the natural microflora of the baby's oral cavity weakens, the active reproduction of pathological bacteria begins. Beneficial bacteria are not able to keep the growth of pathogens, as a result of which the latter are noticeably activated.

It is extremely necessary to treat thrush in newborns, since its manifestations bring pain and discomfort to the child, he refuses to feed and, as a result, can noticeably lose body weight. In addition, the reproduction of pathogenic microflora in the child's mouth significantly lowers its local, as well as general immunity and provokes the penetration of infection inside.

In the treatment of thrush in newborns, drugs such as "Nistanin" in the form of a gel or ointment and "Candide" are used, but only as prescribed by a doctor. Medication usually lasts 5-10 days.

Treatment of thrush in newborns is primarily aimed at maintaining proper hygienic care for the baby. In case he is breastfed, the mother must necessarily monitor the hygiene of the nipples of the mammary glands. You should limit kissing your baby on the lips, and it is also very important not to lick his pacifiers and spoons. Teething toys and baby dishes (which should be individual for the baby) must be thoroughly sterilized. Any contact of an adult's saliva with a child's mouth should be avoided.

Also try to carefully monitor so that a fermented milk environment does not form in the child's oral cavity. To do this, give him 1-2 tsp after each feeding. boiled water (to rinse the mouth from breast milk), in the same way clean your mouth after regurgitation.

To treat the baby's oral cavity with thrush, it is necessary to carefully wrap a sterile bandage on a stick or finger, moisten it in a solution, clean the mucous membrane of the child's mouth, on which there are traces of fungus, without exerting effort.

In the event that thrush appears in a child under the age of 12 months, treatment is usually limited to the use of alternative methods. Prepare a soda solution (dissolve 1 teaspoon of soda in 1 glass of boiled water, cooled to room temperature) and wipe the baby's mouth with it every 3 hours. You can dip a pacifier in the resulting soda solution before giving it to your child.

Perfectly helps to get rid of thrush and infusion of calendula flowers. To prepare the infusion, take 1 tsp. finely chopped flowers of the plant, pour a glass of boiling water, then cover with a towel and let it brew for 1 hour. Each time you need to brew a fresh infusion, and with the remnants of the previous one, you can rinse your mouth in order to disinfect. In the same way, an infusion of eucalyptus leaves, sage or loosestrife leaves is used.
