Treatment Of A Common Cold In Newborns

Treatment Of A Common Cold In Newborns
Treatment Of A Common Cold In Newborns

A runny nose in newborn children is a cause for concern for parents, since a stuffy nose does not allow the baby to sleep and eat peacefully. The child cannot blow his nose on his own, so effective treatment is needed.

Treatment of a common cold in newborns
Treatment of a common cold in newborns

There are several stages of the common cold, on which the choice of method depends:

- the reflex stage is characterized by vasoconstriction, burning sensation and dryness in the nose, as a result of which the child becomes capricious;

- the catarrhal stage is accompanied by vasodilation, swelling and redness of the mucous membrane, ear congestion, decreased olfactory function;

- the infectious period begins in the absence of timely therapy and leads to the appearance of abundant and thick discharge of a yellowish-green color.

Treatment of the third stage of the common cold is more difficult, but the choice of effective remedies reduces the risk of complications.

The reasons for the appearance of an unpleasant symptom can be colds, allergies, weak immunity, infectious ailments, the process of teething. Depending on the type of rhinitis, an experienced pediatrician selects the optimal set of procedures for a quick recovery.

A physiological runny nose can appear from the moment of birth to 10 weeks of life, since during this period the child's nasal mucosa is not sufficiently formed. In the process of restructuring the body, excessive moisture in the nasal cavity occurs. In the absence of other symptoms (cough, fever, skin rashes), you do not need to use drugs or folk remedies. It is enough to regularly rinse the spout with a solution of sea water.

Never dry out the nasal mucosa, as this will lead to increased mucus production.

An infectious rhinitis is the result of damage to the mucous membrane by viruses, which occurs when the body is hypothermic or with a sharp change in temperature. In this case, it is necessary to start effective treatment in order to prevent the deterioration of the condition. Very often, swelling of the sinuses is accompanied by inflammation of the ear canals. In this case, vitamins and special preparations are prescribed to destroy viruses and bacteria, relieve inflammation, and improve the patency of the nasal passages. In severe cases, the question of taking antibiotics is decided.

In case of an allergic reaction, the treatment of a common cold is to eliminate the allergen. As a rule, the pediatrician selects an antihistamine taking into account the age and condition of the sick child.

Teething is stress for the whole body, therefore this period is accompanied by increased anxiety, decreased appetite and sleep, the appearance of a runny nose, increased body temperature, disruption of the digestive tract, etc. Against the background of a reduced immune defense, very often newborns have clear and watery discharge from the nose. If symptoms persist after 4-5 days, you should consult a doctor to rule out the presence of a cold or viral illness.

In all cases, it is necessary to ventilate the room, maintain an optimal level of humidity, and give drink. As a rule, the use of medication is not recommended for newborn babies. To improve patency, you should regularly clean the nasal passages with saline, aerosol "Aqualor" or "Akamaris".
