How To Get Rid Of Thrush During Pregnancy

How To Get Rid Of Thrush During Pregnancy
How To Get Rid Of Thrush During Pregnancy

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Thrush is an infectious disease. Not many people know about the causes of the infection, the features of the course, the consequences and possible treatment options for this disease without harm to health, based on the state of pregnancy.

How to get rid of thrush during pregnancy
How to get rid of thrush during pregnancy


Step 1

The causes of thrush

The causative agent of thrush is candida, therefore thrush is scientifically called candidal colpitis or simply candidiasis. This is an infectious disease, therefore, like other infections, it can affect the health of the fetus, respectively, it must be treated and the sooner the better. In addition, in the last trimester, it is also necessary to get rid of thrush for the mother, because Candida dries out the vaginal cavity, which can then turn into numerical tears during childbirth.

Step 2

Thrush manifests itself with reduced immunity, wearing synthetic and tight underwear, improper, irrational nutrition, taking certain hormonal drugs, chronic diseases of the genitourinary system and the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, candidiasis is sexually transmitted. In pregnant women, the manifestations of the disease become aggravated and proceed at an accelerated rate, and its appearance in pregnant women is often justified by a change in the hormonal state, leading to a violation of the vaginal microflora.

Step 3


Symptoms of thrush: profuse, cheesy discharge with an unpleasant sour smell, severe itching and burning of the genitals. The aggravation of symptoms begins after water procedures, intercourse and at night. Despite the presence of the above symptoms, it is necessary to take a smear for the presence of candida and only then start treatment, because other infectious diseases can cause the same symptoms.

Step 4


Treatment limited to the state of pregnancy will not cure candida, but it will eliminate symptoms that can harm the woman and the fetus. The sexual partner must also undergo treatment, and sexual intercourse during treatment must be protected with condoms.

Step 5

A man is allowed to take all available effective drugs, a pregnant woman is allowed “Pimafucin” from pill treatment, which, even in large doses, cannot do harm, as well as local types of drugs. These include special creams and vaginal suppositories containing nystatin and pimafucin. The use of drugs containing clotrimazole (canesten) is not permissible. Be sure to prescribe multivitamins and drugs that strengthen the immune system together with medications.

Step 6

In addition to drug treatment, it is worth highlighting folk remedies: douching and baths with a solution of soda, an infusion of calendula or oak bark. It is also quite effective to treat the walls of the vagina with a tampon moistened with a solution of borax in glycerin or ordinary brilliant green. This method mechanically removes the mycelium of the fungi.
