Thrush is quite common in newborn babies. It usually manifests itself in the oral cavity, less often in girls in the external genital area. It is caused by the increased reproduction of the Candida fungus for various reasons.

It is necessary
- - hygiene
- - treatment of damaged areas with a solution of soda, borax, etc.
Step 1
A newborn child is still very poorly adapted to the world around him and has a weak immunity. Therefore, at this age, it is very important to observe the necessary hygiene rules in order to avoid many problems.
Step 2
One of the most common diseases in an infant is thrush. Most often, it forms on the mucous membrane in the child's mouth. Externally manifests itself in the form of a curd plaque on the tongue, gums, and the inside of the cheeks. At the initial stage, it can only be in small areas, it is easily removed and does not cause any inconvenience to the baby. If you notice even small white spots in the child's mouth, it is worth treating them with cotton wool dipped in a solution of baking soda, borax or hydrogen peroxide (highly diluted) to avoid further spread.
Step 3
In the case of an already advanced stage, when white plaque covers almost all of the mucous membrane, it is worth consulting a doctor for treatment. After removing the plaque, the skin in these places will be irritated, and it can be treated with "Iodinol", "Lugol", etc. Do not self-medicate under any circumstances, because this can aggravate the situation. In some cases, the specialist prescribes treatment with drugs: Diflazon, Diflucan, Fluconazole, etc.
Step 4
Candidiasis can occur in a child in different cases. The most common is poor hygiene. If the baby eats a mixture, then it is necessary to boil the bottles and nipples, while breastfeeding - the mother must take a shower before feeding. All toys and objects that a child can pull into his mouth should be carefully handled.
Step 5
Frequent regurgitation can also cause thrush due to the creation of an acidic environment in the mouth. these are the most favorable conditions for the development of the fungus. To eliminate this, it is necessary to try to carry the baby in an upright position after feeding, and also to treat the mouth with a weak solution of soda.
Step 6
The baby can become infected with thrush from the mother during childbirth, in this case it is necessary to undergo treatment for the woman herself in order to prevent the return of this disease.
Step 7
In rare cases, a child may have thrush in the genital area, also in the form of a white coating. The reason for this may be either weakened immunity, antibiotic treatment. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor to prescribe treatment, because a neglected disease can cause a number of complications in the future. In addition to drug treatment, the baby should be washed with a solution of chamomile or string.
Step 8
You cannot let the disease take its course, thinking that everything will pass by itself. The advanced stage of thrush is very difficult to treat; it can develop into a chronic one, giving complications to many organs.