In the concept of "happiness" each person puts something of his own, purely personal. Therefore, there are no general, universal rules of what and how to do to make life happy. However, many people, answering the question "What is the secret of a happy life?", Indicate the need to follow some simple, but very important principles.

How to be happy
Do what you love and see life easier. Try by the end of schooling to clearly define what you have a soul for, and choose this occupation as your profession. Otherwise, if you choose an occupation for convenience, for reasons of prestige, material gain, or succumbing to the persuasion of family and friends, with a probability of 99% you will then experience bitter disappointment.
Of course, the opinion of parents must be carefully listened to, and material well-being plays an important role. But the main factor in choosing a profession should be your desire.
Do not try to “embrace the immensity,” soberly assess your capabilities. It is better to achieve modest but real success than to aim for a job that is clearly beyond your shoulders and end up being disappointed.
Never envy anyone. Be content with what you have. And if you want to improve your well-being, climb the career ladder, do not turn it into a fix idea. And, of course, do not resort to dishonest methods!
Learn to receive joy from the simplest and most natural things that surround you: good weather, a beautiful flower, a smile of a child. Do not be gloomy and gloomy, drive away sad thoughts.
Unfortunately, many people begin to understand such a simple thing only when they start to have serious health problems.
Take good care of your health, avoid stupid and unnecessary risks, bad habits, if possible, do physical education, sports. Remember that health is a priceless treasure that cannot be bought for any money.
Attitude towards others and the secrets of a happy life
Treat people the way you would like them to treat you. This biblical commandment should be your guiding star. Be always polite and friendly, even when dealing with people who for some reason are unpleasant to you. If possible, do not refuse help or advice, and do not demand anything in return.
Choose for yourself reliable friends who will not let you down or betray. And try to become a good friend yourself. Choose your life partner carefully, because a good, loving and devoted partner is the most real happiness! Generously give him your tenderness, affection and care. If you have children, try to give them everything you can expect from a loving and intelligent parent. After all, children make any normal person happy.