How To Calm Students Down

How To Calm Students Down
How To Calm Students Down

For a full-fledged and productive educational and cognitive process, certain conditions are necessary, among which there are order and discipline in the classroom. Pacifying students is sometimes difficult enough, but there are various methods, secrets and tricks with which you can achieve silence and attention.

How to calm students down
How to calm students down

Ways to improve classroom discipline

The concentration of children's attention depends on many factors. First of all, it is the degree of importance for the children of the information you provide. Your students, listening to this or that educational material, should understand why they need it. As a rule, most children are guided by the immediate motivational goals: to get a good grade in the lesson or test work, not to provoke a teacher's remark, etc. Goals such as good grades in a certificate or the successful completion of the exam or GIA become relevant only closer to graduation.

Different teachers use different classroom tactics. Common methods of intimidation are the threat of a bad mark in a journal or diary, calling parents to school, inviting the principal to class, etc. - can have a certain effect, but there are always daredevils who are not afraid of this.

To eliminate the confusion, noise and clamor in the classroom, sometimes it is enough to neutralize her ideological mastermind. Usually the tone for the entire team of students is set by two or three of the most authoritative daredevils. Shift the attention of the most active children to their studies, for example, by calling them to the blackboard. Present them with a serious problem that requires immediate resolution.

The introduction of certain penalties is also possible. For example, if students misbehave, make noise, and prevent you from explaining new material, you can punish them with unscheduled quizzes on all of the topics learned earlier or with oral credit. It is important to note that this “punishment” is beneficial in increasing the level of knowledge of the students.

You can also apply collective punishment in the form of cancellation of activities that are significant for students: hiking, rest evenings, etc. This collective responsibility tends to discipline children and allow them to reflect on the outcome of their own bad behavior. At the same time, events that are really meaningful for children should not be canceled - this can set the class against yourself for a long time.

Is the teacher to blame?

Sometimes the teacher himself is to blame for poor discipline in the lesson. Without highlighting the clear structural elements of the lesson, without applying a variety of teaching methods that arouse interest in knowledge, monotonously explaining new material, the teacher himself can make his lessons boring and uninteresting.

If you want your students to look forward to your lessons, so that the lessons are conducted without disturbing discipline, try to make it so that both you and the children are interested in making new discoveries. After all, the teacher, just like his students, constantly learns to teach, grows professionally and improves. Boring and uninteresting is the teacher who teaches according to the template that has been formed over the years, without introducing anything new. In his lessons, discipline will always be three-plus.

Apply not only a variety of methods, but also forms of education. More often you move away from standard lessons, replacing them with such non-traditional forms as “travel”, “KVN”, “What? Where? When? etc. Conduct excursion lessons, tournament lessons, group work lessons, etc.

Develop a reward system in the classroom. So, for example, a school week without a single comment on behavior can be rewarded with an unscheduled trip or excursion to some interesting place.

Never use punishment techniques that offend the personality of your students. Remember, no matter how outright bully a child is, first of all, he is a person who can be persuaded, re-educated, and stopped. You just need to make some effort and be patient.

Sometimes, to restore order and silence in the classroom, the teacher just needs to interrupt the explanation of the teaching material and take a wait and see attitude. As a rule, after a few minutes, complete silence is established in the classroom.

Remember that incontinence, inattention, lack of focus are often the properties of unformed cognitive processes in a child. Therefore, fighting for discipline in the lesson, attention should be paid to the development of these skills in schoolchildren.
