The birth of a baby is the main holiday in the life of a family. This is a special day that parents will remember for a lifetime. Of course, they were preparing hard for this event, so they already have many of the necessary items for the child.

Step 1
Diaper cake. Now a lot of people make beautiful multi-storey cakes from diapers, you can also add something from clothes, toys or baby cosmetics there. It will be an effective and practical gift, because diapers are never superfluous.
Step 2
You can give beautiful bedding for a baby cot. Even if the parents bought a set, a second copy with a different pattern will not hurt - it will be replaced.
Step 3
Restraint pillow. She, of course, is not among the essentials, but if such a thing is in the house, it is very good!
Step 4
You can donate money. This is perhaps the most useful and practical gift, because they are constantly in short supply, especially now.
Step 5
Baby monitor. A handy thing and it is unlikely that the parents have already bought it in advance. Just do not purchase this item if the family has a one-room apartment - there is absolutely no need for a baby monitor.
Step 6
Developing rug. The baby will need it only from 3 months, but still a useful and necessary gift.
Step 7
Deck chair or electronic swing. A very good thing, it takes the baby about 15 minutes, and someone there even falls asleep. But make sure there is room in the apartment for such a gift.