Is it time to introduce your boyfriend to your mom? Such a responsible and important moment for the two people closest to you should be carefully planned and prepared so that they quickly find a common language, and your mother will definitely support your choice.

Step 1
Don't rush to get to know each other. Both your mom and your boyfriend may not be ready for it. After all, the reluctance to enter your family right now may indicate not so much the frivolity of his feelings for you, but your haste to quickly "tangle" the man.
Step 2
If the guy himself began to take the initiative, if he became “his” in your life and wants to make friends with the future mother-in-law, it’s time to talk to his parents. Let them know that you have a beloved, answer all their questions about him. Give them time to think it over, get used to this thought. After a few days, when mom stops worrying and feeling stress about the fact that her daughter has already matured, start planning their acquaintance.
Step 3
Particular attention should be paid to your age difference with your boyfriend. Keep in mind that parents will be more friendly towards your peer. If your loved one is much older or much younger than you, your parents are likely to be angry about it. Prepare them, give your arguments in favor of your choice, focus on its merits, welfare and other positive aspects. The age at the first meeting, perhaps, can not be mentioned.
Step 4
Prepare your boyfriend for dating. It is advisable that he roughly knows the topics on which he can keep up a conversation with your mother. It is better if he looks neat, does not come empty-handed, wear a classic suit or ironed shirt and trousers. If your boyfriend is "adorned" with piercings or tattoos, and your parents are adherents of a traditional appearance, be prepared for the fact that it will be quite difficult for them to find a common language. But to smooth over the first impression, ask your beau, for example, to dress more simply and behave less extravagantly.
Step 5
Your behavior will play an important role when meeting a guy with his mother. During a meeting, be prepared for everything: to ask your mother about the boyfriend's plans, to awkward pauses, to undisguised discontent or, conversely, excessive enthusiasm of the parents, etc. Try to smooth out sharp corners. Change the subject if someone doesn't like it, include all your charm and humor. Although this is an important event, it is still only a first meeting and not a matchmaking. Even if your chosen one did not like your mother, it is up to you to meet with him further or not.