How Can You Help A Student To Better Assimilate Information?

How Can You Help A Student To Better Assimilate Information?
How Can You Help A Student To Better Assimilate Information?

In a modern school, students have to master a huge amount of educational material. It must not only be read, but also understood and memorized. It is important to understand the peculiarities of the child's perception in order to facilitate this task for him.

How can you help a student to better assimilate information?
How can you help a student to better assimilate information?

All people, and schoolchildren are also no exception, differ in the type of "leading system of information perception." There are 3 main systems in humans:

  1. kinesthetic - that is, through movement;
  2. visual - through sight;
  3. auditory - by ear;

Any system of perception of information can be the main one for a person, that is, through it he perceives information better and more easily remembers it. All education at school relies mainly on the auditory channel of perception, and quite a bit - on the visual one. The teacher tells and explains the main material orally. Of course, with the advent of interactive whiteboards in schools, teachers began to use diagrams and pictures more. At the same time, the majority of children, upon entering school, have a leading visual channel of perception. This is due to the age-related characteristics of the development of the child's psyche. Therefore, it is important to teach the child to perceive information from different channels. And when mastering a very important and complex material, connect its leading channel of perception.

Kinesthetic children remember information through movement. For example, they find it easier to memorize a word by spelling it correctly many times than just saying it out loud. Such children love massage, they themselves actively use touch in communication, gesticulate a lot. Usually, children with a kinesthetic system of perception are characterized by early physical development. When reading, they need to move their finger over the text, do not forbid it. It is quite difficult for children with a kinesthetic perception system at school, because in most cases teachers do not turn to this system. But you, as a parent, can help your child: solve problems through experiments, games (including role-playing), use a demonstration technique with which the child can actively operate. Such a child learns better by doing.

If your child is an auditor, then it is easier for him to perceive spoken language, he easily repeats it. The child himself with an auditory perception system is talkative, easily distracted by extraneous sounds. Lost in thought, he talks to himself, moves his lips while reading, pronouncing the words. In order for such a child to better assimilate and remember any material, ask him to tell this material orally; explain difficult things to him yourself, so that he listens to them, and does not read them.

If your child is visual, then, most likely, he is organized, observant, as a rule, calm. Such children have difficulty understanding verbal instructions (ask again), but at the same time they are good storytellers. A child with a visual perception system remembers well what he saw; has a vivid, imaginative fantasy. It is easiest for such a child to understand diagrams, drawings, he easily assimilates material through films and reading. He must see information with his eyes.

It happens that one system is clearly in the lead, and there are mixed types. In any case, try to have your child connect different perception systems when doing housework, even if it is difficult for him. For example, let him first read the paragraph himself, and then make a summary of it in the form of a diagram or drawing, according to which he will retell its content to you. So his psyche will develop. But when trying to understand or learn complex material, it is better to rely on the leading system of information perception.

If your child is in elementary school, you need to observe him to determine his system of perception. Teenagers themselves can analyze and evaluate their own characteristics, they just need to pay their attention to this important point. After all, knowledge of your system of information perception is very useful during preparation for exams.
