You can introduce babies to sports from infancy if you take fitball as assistants. Exercising on a large ball allows you to strengthen all muscle groups, a gymnastic apparatus is indispensable for hyper- or hypotonic muscles. Mom and baby can start fitball classes when the child is two weeks old or more.

Exercising on a fitball will help strengthen the vestibular apparatus, back muscles, and normalize digestion. This means that a gymnastic ball contributes to the disappearance of the problem of colic, a complex of simple exercises will improve the mood of the baby and mother. In addition, swinging on the fitball makes the spine flexible and strong, all internal organs of the baby are stimulated.
Charging rules for a baby on fitball
It is necessary to start training on fitball with a baby with the simplest and short-term elements. To start exercising, you need to warm up the muscles of the child, for this it is enough to do a light massage.
The baby's clothes should be light and pleasant to the body; it is best to choose a bodysuit or a T-shirt with sliders. Ideally, if the temperature in the room allows, the baby should be naked. And to make him comfortable, you need to put a diaper on the ball. Charging should be done after feeding - after 30-40 minutes.
You can introduce a baby to a fitball by putting his stomach on the ball. If the baby liked to lie on the surface, there is no reason for concern, you can start charging. To do this, you need to hold the baby by the handles, swinging it on the fitball towards you and away from you. If the child is not yet holding the head, beware of sudden movements. This exercise allows you to get rid of colic, gas.
After that, you can turn the baby onto its back and, holding the tummy with your hand, make movements to the sides, in a circle. This exercise works to relax the back muscles. It is also worth holding the crumb by the leg with one hand.
What other exercises are there for toddlers
Popular exercises "Spring", in which the child lies on his stomach, and the adult holds both legs with one hand, the other lies on the back of the baby. It is necessary to make springy movements up and down, alternately gently pressing on the back and butt of the little athlete with your palm.
If your child is six months old, you can try the "Horseman" exercise. To do this, you need to put the baby with its back on the ball, and then sit it down, holding it by the forearms. It is necessary to maintain balance for at least a couple of seconds, and then put the crumbs on the fitball again.
You yourself can form a set of exercises for charging with your baby, including imagination. Remember to do sports when your gymnast is in the mood. The charging time should be increased gradually.
Do not forget that it is necessary to choose a fitball for an infant correctly, it must be a ball with a porous surface. The optimal size for jumping and charging a baby is a ball with a diameter of at least 60 cm, the product must withstand a load of more than 300 kg. On high-quality fitballs, the seams are almost invisible.