Features Of Performing Kegel Exercises By Men And Women

Features Of Performing Kegel Exercises By Men And Women
Features Of Performing Kegel Exercises By Men And Women

Video: Features Of Performing Kegel Exercises By Men And Women

Video: Features Of Performing Kegel Exercises By Men And Women
Video: Better Kegels: How to do kegel exercises, and why they work 2025, January

Kegel exercises were not developed by Dr. Kegel at all, as originally claimed by the experts. In fact, this complex was invented by Joshua Davis, who dealt with urinary incontinence, 2 centuries ago. Arnold Kegel just refined and improved the successful treatment complex. In addition, he has developed a special trainer that makes it easier to perform the necessary exercises.

Features of performing Kegel exercises by men and women
Features of performing Kegel exercises by men and women

Today it is considered a common situation when it is recommended to perform Kegel exercises for women to develop their intimate muscles. However, the set of exercises is also designed for men. True, it has its own specifics.

Kegel exercises train your pelvic muscles to improve circulation and provide natural support for them. This is especially important with age and for those whose muscles are weak from birth.

In women, when performing Kegel exercises, some muscle groups should be involved, in men, others. At the same time, it is not so difficult to define them. Ladies can find them with a simple test. When going to the toilet "on the small", you must try to hold back the stream. However, this cannot be done artificially (clamping the buttocks, moving the legs, etc.). This is the only way to feel with the help of which muscles you were able to achieve this. It is with them that you will have to work. In men, the "working" muscles are activated automatically during urination, when you have to hold back.

Men can also determine the muscles for development at the moment of tension before urinating.

Any Kegel exercises for solving various problems in the genital area can be performed without doctors and without special preparation for this procedure. You just need to master the technique and want to improve the quality of your life. It is better for both men and women to start training in the supine position - on the back or on the side it does not matter. In this case, it is more convenient to determine which intimate muscles are working and which are rather sluggish. At the initial stage, it is recommended to perform 100-150 manipulations, including compression, contraction and expulsion, per day. However, it is not necessary to do this in one sitting - it is quite possible to stretch the wumbling for the whole day - for example, do the exercises 5 times a day.

Experts say that when you master this skill to perfection, you will be able to do the exercises everywhere, incl. and at the workplace, and in the store, and in transport. And this is imperceptible to others.

Exercises for women are as follows. When performing one of them, alternate contractions of the muscles of the perineum and vagina. Take 10 seconds for each element: 10 seconds of tension, the same amount of relaxation. Do the exercise for 5 minutes, then practice quick contractions for a second as an additional warm-up for another minute.

The next exercise is often called an elevator. Indeed, in its essence, it really resembles an elevator. To perform it, you first need to contract the lower muscles for a couple of seconds, then try to clamp the muscles a little higher - also for a few seconds. There should be 4-5 such stages. Then walk in the opposite direction.

Another exercise aims to get a kind of flutter of the muscles. To do this, you need to strain and relax the desired muscles very quickly - as much as possible, as soon as you can. The exercise is repeated 10 times.

Prolonged and sustained contraction of the vaginal muscles allows for very lasting results. A special simulator is often used to perform this exercise. However, if you have a good imagination, you can do without it. Try to contract the muscles as if you were trying to pull an object inside. Hold the resulting tension for 5 seconds. Then this time can be increased.

To perform one of the Kegel exercises for men, it is necessary to find the pubic-sacral muscle. The exercise is quite simple - just squeeze this muscle and hold it in tension for 3 seconds. Then you need to relax and repeat again. If you cannot find this muscle, or when you clamp it, you develop pain, be sure to consult a doctor - normally it should not hurt.

Men can also successfully practice the lift exercise, which is ideal for the first time while urinating. This will track the intensity. And it will be much easier to check the stages and the location of the muscles. During the exercise, the jet should be interrupted at least 5 times. Remember that when performing this complex, you need to work only with the pelvic muscles. No contractions of the peritoneum, buttocks, or even hips are allowed.

Those who regularly practice Kegel exercises claim that sex has become brighter, and sexuality has increased significantly, because the fears of their own insolvency disappeared.
